Tag Archives for " Theme "

A seagull standing on the edge of a wall represents the spiritual connection between humans and nature.


BalanceBalance is a beautiful thing.  Balance is also our Whole Souul Living Theme for September.  In a technical sense, balance is an equal distribution of weight that enables steadiness.  Balance is also about correct proportions: of power, justice, prosperity, Love… ideals seldom achieved but deeply worthy.  In these busy and troubled times, all of us […]

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A man kneeling on the ground in a forest during a spiritual service.


SpiritSpirit is our Whole Souul Living Theme for August.  The word spiritual comes from the Latin spirare, the breath.  Later this became spiritus, meaning, “the animating or vital principle in man and animals: soul, courage, breath, or vigor.”  Many consider the spiritual to be supernatural or otherworldly, but with the definition above there is no […]

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A woman's hands reaching out in front of a dark background, symbolizing her connection to the community.


MercyOur Whole Souul Living Theme for July is Mercy, surely a precious and scarce commodity in 2021.  For years, maybe since the beginning, politics and the news is dominated by quick judgement, false certainty, and the drumbeat of fearing strangers.  Still, wisdom from the ages is clear; “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be […]

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A group of people holding balloons that spell out the word 'beyond', portraying a strong sense of community and spiritual connection.


LiberationLiberation is our Whole Souul Living Theme for June.  Broadly speaking, Liberation can be political, physical, emotional, spiritual, or all of the above.  Typically, liberation assumes a current or previous condition of being bounded or restricted, and things get interesting when we consider that it is possible to be unaware of our own bondage.  Consider […]

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A group of construction workers are providing a Service by working on a roof.


VocationVocation comes from from the Christian tradition and refers to an internal calling or summons to do holy work.  A traditional and corollary assumption is that neary everybody has vocation whether they know it or not.  Philosopher Sam Keen wrote: A society in which vocation and job are separated for most people gradually creates an […]

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A glass ball sits on top of a rock at sunset, representing the justice and unity of the UU Church.


ImaginationImagination is our Whole Souul Living Theme for March.  Consider this quote from J. K. Rowling;Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and, therefore, the foundation of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize […]

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A broken glass with a UU light shining through it, symbolizing the power of service to strengthen community.


BrokennessBrokenness is the Whole Souul Living Theme for February, but not so that we might wallow morose or despairing.  Brokenness, whether occasional or systemic is simply an essential and unavoidable part of human life.   It often marks turning points in our life journeys; the endings of chapters, the beginnings of new ones, the places where […]

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Spiritual justice is important in achieving world peace.


PeacePeace is the Whole Souul Living Theme for January, and it represents a profoundly challenging hope.  Pacifist A. J. Muste wrote:  We cannot have peace if we are only concerned with peace. War is not an accident. It is the logical outcome of a certain way of life. If we want to attack war, we […]

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A large brown butterfly is sitting on a flower in a peaceful community garden.


SalvationOur Whole Souul Living Theme for December is Salvation (in THIS Life).  In truth, most of us need some salvation: from old habits and limitations, from creeping materialism, from a broken economy…  The nation needs some salvation: from partisan politics, easy answers, and outright lies.  The world needs some salvation…: from pollution, too many people, […]

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