Giving at First Unitarian
Putting Our Faith Into Action
Giving is an essential part of our Unitarian Universalist community. It is an opportunity for us to live out our Unitarian Universalist values as well as the commitment to grow and support the world in justice, love, and peace.
We have several ways to give here at First Unitarian Society of Denver, including to our General Fund, the Black Reparations Fund, and the Giving in Action program. As our community continues to grow and give, we know that we are living out our Unitarian Universalist beliefs for a more equitable, compassionate, and just world.
First Unitarian's operating expenses and maintenance for all areas of the church are supported by our General Fund. This also includes Church Staff, Spiritual Programming, and Social Justice efforts.
Fill out this for for any reimbursement requests.
Fill out this for for any vendor payment requests.
First Unitarian uses Breeze for church engagement, membership, and giving. This management system streamlines the process for you to support us while keeping your giving history and ability secure.
Two times a month First Unitarian dedicates our Sunday offering to organizations and causes happening outside of our sanctuary. This is our commitment to put our faith into action.
Support First Unitarian by donating your car! Call 877-999-8322 or 855-500-7433 or click below to fill out the form.
Ways to Make Your Contribution to First Unitarian
Give a one-time donation through our giving platform, Breeze.
Text (720) 343-7384 with your donation amount (ex. 25).
Write a check to First Unitarian Society of Denver 1400 N Lafayette St. Denver, CO 80218
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Breeze and how do I login?
How much should I pledge?
Can I set up a recurring contribution?
What other ways can I give?
Does first unitarian participate in the king sooper's community grocery card program?
Donate a car
Helpful Donation Forms
Helpful Donation Forms
Share Your Generosity by Attending an Event
All of our events fall under the categories of Worship, Religious Exploration, Music, Social Justice, Community Events, or Other, which you can see by clicking on an event and looking under the Where option. Public Events are open to all and Private Events require prior sign-up or tickets purchased.
To gain more information and who can attend Undefined Events, please reach out to our Office at