​​​Gun​ Violence Prevention

Gun Violence Prevention

The Gun Violence Prevention Project at First Unitarian Society of Denver is a non-partisan congregational project. We seek to increase public safety by reducing gun violence in our community. We review research to support effective methods to reduce gun violence. We set up a table at our church's coffee hour periodically which:

1. Generates interest within our church community

2. Performs outreach for our group’s legislative efforts, and

3. Encourages participation in public issues forums, etc.

Beginning in 2012, as a justice circle and then Congregational Project, we have built relationships with gun violence prevention organizations in Colorado.

  • We participate actively in Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence, an interfaith coalition with more than 25 other religious congregations in Colorado.
  • We have joined a coalition with Colorado Ceasefire, Colorado's oldest gun violence prevention group. With these partners, we identify and take positions on bills to reduce gun violence in Colorado.
  • Our group provides volunteers to correspond with key legislators, advocate positions before members of the state legislature during public comment periods, and recruit others who are interested in fighting to reduce gun violence with us.

Gun Violence News

Gun Violence Prevention

Our issue: Gun Violence Prevention

The U.S. continues to experience the repercussions of gun violence, with 30,000-35,000 U.S. gun deaths per year that include mass shootings, individual and small group murders, accidental shootings and suicides by shooting.

Annual shooting deaths in Colorado exceed fatalities from traffic accidents. Many thousands of gun violence related injuries lead to lifelong disability. While a large majority of citizens strongly support federal gun violence reduction measures, Congress has been unable to implement effective measures.

Colorado's legislature and Governor, as well as officials in a few other states, have been willing to adopt effective measures and resist efforts by well-funded and influential groups to repeal or weaken gun.

We believe these disturbing trends can be changed with community organization, political participation, and public advocacy outside our church's four walls. We also believe that we can help take measures to increase the safety of FUSD members.