Social Justice Initiatives

Social Justice


Seeking liberty and justice for all anchors our Unitarian-Universalist tradition.  We take direct action locally and work to increase our effectiveness in the larger world.

Each year at First Unitarian, we identify a set of justice projects that we agree to pursue together.  Dedicated teams of volunteers develop projects and bring them to the full congregation for consideration at the annual meeting (usually in May).  Once adopted, the teams work tirelessly to implement the plans.  An annually elected Faith In Action Council (FIAC) helps each team with resources and guidance.


Alton Dillard

Church A Fit With Social Justice Background

Our Community Is Galvanized

Social Justice and Our Faith is Tied Together


Social Justice is Faith in Action

Faith in Action Council Report to Congregation 2014-2015

2018 Justice Project Call

Call for Social Justice Projects
By Eric Mott, Member, Faith in Action Council (FIAC)


First Unitarian Society of Denver’s Faith-in-Action Program invites and encourages church members and friends to work together towards effective social justice while supporting each other in the spirit of UU principles.


Justice focused, Inclusive, Respectful, Faith-based, Supportive, Integrated throughout the congregation, Effective, and Accountable,

Each year at First Unitarian’s May congregational meeting, the congregation votes on social justice projects we want to give our attention and financial resources to support. Congregationally approved Projects usually receive a 2-year approval after which they must apply for project renewal.  This year’s projects are Hunger and Homelessness (Family Promise and Women’s Homelessness Initiative), Immigration Justice, Mental Well Being- I3, Gun Violence Prevention, and Racial Justice.

It is that time of year when FIAC solicits projects, new or recurring, for First Unitarian to support.

The process involves getting a small team, maybe 4 to 5 members, to plan a social project and submit an application for that project to FIAC.  We developed a user-friendly streamlined, interactive application to direct and simplify the process. The Faith in Action Council reviews the applications and provides feedback.  If the project furthers the FUSD Faith In Action mission and demonstrates its values, the FIAC will forward it to the congregation for discussion and possible approval at the Congregational Meeting.  Applications are due April 1 and may be submitted to any FIAC member listed below.

If you are or would like to be involved with social justice work and you think that others might like to join you in that work, consider checking the resources listed below and/or talk with FIAC member.  We are here to help you!

Contact Leaders

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s, SOCIAL JUSTICE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM HANDBOOK...supporting congregational action for transformational social change,

Faith in Action Social justice Project Application

Please download and complete the Application. Click the Button on the right.           

Faith in Action Social justice Project Application

Please download and complete the Application. Click the Button on the right.           

Faith in Action Project Reports

Please fill out the Report forms for your Project.

Faith in Action Social justice Project Application

Please download and complete the Application. Click the Button on the right.           

Social Justice News

Wall of Unitarians