Tag Archives for " Religious Exploration "

One way out is through community scrabble tiles.

Embracing Possibilities

Embracing PossibilitiesThis will be an uncertain year.  I am certain about that much.  Our ritual ingathering service this Sunday marks the beginning of our second year to begin again in times of Covid.  Throughout the difficulties presented by virtual church, I’ve been aware of the tension between grief and hope day to day, and how […]

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A man meditating on a black and white rug at a church service.

Spiritual Practice Makes…

Spiritual Practice Makes…Let’s try an experiment.  Keep your eyes open.  Extend the index finger on each hand and hold your fingers parallel to the horizon, elbows pointed out to the sides.  Bring the fingers up to eyelevel, adjust your focus, and then bring the index fingers together until your fingertips touch.  Refocus. Practice. Do it […]

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A group of friends making a heart on the beach at sunset, showing their sense of Community and Justice.

Our COVID Year

Our COVID YearWhen we began our church year in the fall of 2020, we had already adjusted to online worship.  Religious Exploration staff experimented with programmatic offerings, and overall, it was a relatively quiet year. Our youth program continued to meet online.  Both the Middle School and High School groups met regularly with their volunteer […]

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A group of friends making a heart on the beach at sunset, showing their sense of Community and Justice.

Keeping a Sense of Awe

Keeping a Sense of Awe“Children see magic because they look for it.” – Author Christopher Moore“Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun” – Journalist and Author Mignon McLaughlinThe pandemic has been a stress across generations, even for those resilient and emerging children and youth who will be forever impacted by the […]

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A crowd at a concert making a heart shape with their hands, displaying the spiritual connection among individuals.

The Warmth of Ritual

The Warmth of RitualLast night after dinner, as I sat at the table talking over the day with Jason, my four-year-old slid quietly away from the table and headed into a room of our house that we’ve repurposed during the pandemic.  Our two boys decided to share a room, feeling comforted by someone else being […]

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A woman standing in front of a mural that represents justice.

Each and Every Day

Each and Every DayFebruary is Black History Month.  It is also the shortest month of the year.  So how do we honor black history makers, while recognizing that black history is relevant 365 days a year?  Can we make a February gesture without legitimizing the idea that black history is an aside to our shared […]

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A woman standing in front of a mural that represents justice.

Show Up in Love

Show Up in Love“I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river in my soul…” We have arrived surely into the year 2021.  It is here.  I’ve pinched myself just to be sure this is not a dream, even though recently, my sleeping dreams have been […]

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A puzzle with an image of Yellowstone Lake, showcasing the beauty of nature.

A Few Missing Pieces

A Few Missing PiecesThree days ago, in a grasp at normal family time fun, the kids asked if we could do a 500 piece puzzle.  So the boys and dad poured it onto the kitchen table and started sorting.After an hour they abandoned it.  So I picked up where they left off… starting on the […]

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