FirstAnnounce – October 27, 2024

Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email


Lighting the FUSE! (First Unitarians Seeking Engagement)

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran)

The Board of Trustees (BOT) has approved the FUSE Taskforce with the goal of visioning/revisioning how First Unitarian facilitates meaningful engagement of new members and visitors/friends, especially families with school-age children, focusing on the first two years of membership/involvement.

The FUSE Taskforce presented the BOT with various plans of implementation and developed the following recommendations.


  • Research ideas, methods, or processes for new member/family connection/inclusion. What works? What might be doable at FUSD?
  • Consider who we are trying to reach, i.e. families, Denver/Capitol Hill demographics, millennials, NPR listeners, people of color, etc.
  • Build off existing strengths of the community/congregation.


  • This effort will need to work with and build off existing ministries, i.e. Connections Ministry, Faith Formation. including Minister, Stewardship and Finance Councils, and Leadership Development Committee. The goal is an overall vision/process that is complementary with existing efforts and seamless from the perspective of new members and friends.
  • A BOT liaison is expected to be an active participant to facilitate BOT’s support.
  • An Administrative Staff person(s) is expected to participate to assist as needed.

 FUSE Taskforce is seeking additional members, especially Young Adults and families with children. Reach out to Rev. Mike, for more information.

Family CORE Circle

(Thanks to Beverly Bravo for the post)

Family CORE Circle is a monthly Friday evening event held in the Community Room. It is part potluck, part playdate and a great opportunity to bond and share with other FUSD families of school-aged (and preschool aged) children. “Grandparents” will be on hand to guide the children in play while the parents can discuss various topics and deepen their acquaintance with each other and the church community in general.

FirstAnnounce Can Be Accessed from the Website

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson for the post)

If you have missed a FirstAnnounce email or are trying to locate an old one, you can access the archive from our website Scroll to the bottom of any page and you will see a heading in yellow titled ‘Useful links’. The fourth option down is ‘FirstAnnounce Archive. It you click on that link a display will appear listing each of the FirstAnnounce issues by month. You can click on the one you would like to view and see the entire newsletter!

Any questions, email

Ushers Volunteers Needed

(Thanks to Tyler Watlington and Jim Shively for the post)

We are looking for a dedicated group of individuals who would like to commit to being ushers for Sunday services. Once we have a list of interested individuals created, we will send out additional information about the role/expectations. Please send an email to Jim Shively at with a “cc” to Tyler Watlington at if you are interested.

Artwork Rehoming

(Thanks to Nancy Crow and Mark Krotzki for the post)

There are still a few pieces of artwork left from Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki’s downsizing effort. Visit the large basement classroom and pick out a favorite picture as a gift from us. We would appreciate a donation to the church in exchange, but it’s certainly not required. Remaining pieces include an original print featuring Chatauqua auditorium in Boulder, a couple of Doug West posters, a photo of a bald eagle and an original depiction of Muslims at prayer purchased from the artist on the streets of New York City in the 1970s.

Your Committee On Ministry Needs You!

(Thanks to Moya Hansen for the post)

The Committee On Ministry is in search of an engaged First Unitarian member to fill a short term vacancy through June of 2025. The committee is particularly interested in working with and learning from a young adult or young-ish adult. For this church year, the committee will be looking at what other congregations are doing around shared ministry as well as talking with committees and individuals at FUSD about their ideas around shared ministry. Shared ministry is the concept that the ministry of the church is shared between the minister/staff and the congregation so that all activities align with our congregational mission and vision. Interested in learning more? Contact Moya Hansen.


UU the Vote 2024 Denver Activation Canvas

(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post))

When: Saturday, November 2 & Sunday, November 3 from 12-4 pm (Lunch provided)

Where: First Universalist Denver, 1401

Join UU the Vote, Colorado-UU congregations and our partners at COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice as we take action talking to voters about Amendment 79 the Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiative. Join us 12-4 Saturday and/or Sunday for lunch and training, and then we’ll hit the doors. We would love to have you on this crucial weekend before the November election.

If you are interested and able to join us, please sign up here:

Social Justice Film Series at First Universalist – November 1

(Thanks to Holly Fulton for the post))

This film series is a combined effort of First Universalist Church of Denver and First Plymouth Church. The November film will be shown on Friday, November 1st at First Universalist Church of Denver, 4101 East Hampden Ave.

We will gather at 6:15 pm for refreshments, please bring a snack if you can. The film will be shown at 7 pm. “God and Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism” is a 2024 American documentary film directed by Dan Partland

and produced by Ron Reiner. This film discusses the emergence of Christian Nationalism and its close relationship with far right politics in the U.S., exploring its perceived threat to democracy and the politicization of Christianity. The documentary is based on Katherine Stewart’s book “The Power of Worshippers” (2020). We will have discussion after the film.

Sun, Oct. 27 4-6pm Jefferson Humanists Monthly Meeting – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton

(Thanks to Kathy Glatz for the post))

Sun, Oct. 27, 2024 from 4-6 pm  – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton at

Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 West 32nd Ave., Golden, CO

Hal Bidlack, P.h.D., will join us for his historical performance as Alexander Hamilton. This presentation by Hal Bidlack brings Hamilton alive for the audience, providing a very real sense of the history of our nation’s founding. His portrayal captures the intellect, wit, humor and humanity of this important historical figure.

Presented in the Chautauqua style of scholarship and education, Bidlack’s portrayal brings you into the presence of this important Founding Father. You will be drawn into the moment and trough questions and answers, will poinder the great and small questions of America’s

See more information and RSVP at

The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community

Support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund

Destruction in the wake of recent hurricanes has been devastating for many in the southeastern United States. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover by giving generously to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund.

Donate Today

UUA Newsletter – October 2024

The Unitarian Universalist Association, publishes a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in the Association. There are also resources available in the newsletter

Click here to view the October newsletter.

UU World will debut on Thursday, Oct. 17 a twice-a-month newsletter that showcases the latest updates from the website. The newsletter is named Wayfinder because it is intended to help you navigate your journey with Unitarian Universalist Shared Values as an ever-present guide. Wayfinder will bring revelatory, insightful, spiritually nourishing updates right to your email inbox. If you are a UU World subscriber, you are automatically signed up to receive it.

Pacific Western Region – October Newsletter

The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.

Click here to view the October newsletter.

Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association web site at for information at the association level.

UU the Vote – Newsletter

UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more.

Now, in 2024, they have progressed to shift from just election-year organizing to year-round movement-building work toward building a truly inclusive democracy.

Click here to view the newsletter.

First Unitarian Society of Denver Information

First Unitarian – Hearing Assistance in Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary has a hearing loop. This allows us to better serve the people in our community who have trouble hearing. If you are hearing impaired, you will be able to hear what is said at the worship services and other events with better clarity.

What is a hearing loop and how does it work? Hearing Loops allow people who wear hearing aids to directly receive the sound from the PA system to their own hearing aids, much like Wi-Fi for laptops. To hear better, you will no longer have to pick up a separate listening device!

Do my hearing aids work in a loop?If you wear hearing instruments you will need to find out if they have this wireless receiver, called a T-coil or Telecoil, built in to benefit from the hearing loop. The T-coil program is accessed by pushing a button on your hearing aid. This T-coil setting has to be activated before use. Please consult your audiologist if you have a push button on your hearing aids. If your hearing aid is not equipped with a T-coil, or you do not have a hearing aid: we have listening devices available, simply ask a member of our staff.

For more information: For questions about your hearing aids, please visit your audiologist. For questions about our hearing loop system, please email: Assist2Hear. Inc at:

First Unitarian – Calendaring and Room Reservations

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

To Request an event addition to the First Unitarian calendar and to request a room reservation:

  • To add a meeting or event to the Church Calendar and reserve a room:
  1. Check the church calendar on the website to see if there are any conflicts. There is a link on each page of the website in the black area at the bottom, under ‘Useful links’
  2. Complete the following form to request that your event be added to the calendar and to request a room reservation. 

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!

First Unitarian – Communication Methods How To’s

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

First Announce: A weekly church newsletter sent out by blast email Thursday evenings. (Also found on the website.) Deadline for entries is Tuesday end of day. 

Order of Service: The handout given at each Sunday service – giving service details, and upcoming church events Request deadline is Thursday at 8:00 am.

Please complete the form at the link below to submit announcements for either or both First Announce and Order of Service – select both options on the form.

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!


Finding a place to park when you come to visit our urban sanctuary can be a bit of a challenge! We recommend the following tactics/locations:

  • Sundays 6a-1p: 3 blocks of the north side of 14th Avenue (Marion St. to just before Franklin St. – please abide by the street parking signs)
  • Sundays 6a-1p: The Center at Colfax and Lafayette
  • Sundays 6a-1p: (42 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 8 am: (22 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am (22 parking spaces, except Sunday morning, see above. The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • If you have any questions or need a parking pass, contact Rhonda at Parking passes can also be obtained from the Greeters on Sunday morning.


Questions About Pledging? Jason Marsden –

Candles of Community –

Caring Committee –

Volunteer Greeters –

Connections Ministry –

Office/FirstAnnounce/Rhonda Williamson –

Religious Exploration – Leslie Harvey –

Giving in Action –

Mental Well-being –

 Car Donations – 877-999-8322

 FirstAnnounce is a compilation of news items sent to us from many different sources. Items printed in FirstAnnounce are for your information only and do not necessarily represent the views of First Unitarian Society of Denver or its members. Publication deadline is 5:00pm on Tuesday.


Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email


Lighting the FUSE! (First Unitarians Seeking Engagement)

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran)

The Board of Trustees (BOT) has approved the FUSE Taskforce with the goal of visioning/revisioning how First Unitarian facilitates meaningful engagement of new members and visitors/friends, especially families with school-age children, focusing on the first two years of membership/involvement.

The FUSE Taskforce presented the BOT with various plans of implementation and developed the following recommendations.


  • Research ideas, methods, or processes for new member/family connection/inclusion. What works? What might be doable at FUSD?
  • Consider who we are trying to reach, i.e. families, Denver/Capitol Hill demographics, millennials, NPR listeners, people of color, etc.
  • Build off existing strengths of the community/congregation.


  • This effort will need to work with and build off existing ministries, i.e. Connections Ministry, Faith Formation. including Minister, Stewardship and Finance Councils, and Leadership Development Committee. The goal is an overall vision/process that is complementary with existing efforts and seamless from the perspective of new members and friends.
  • A BOT liaison is expected to be an active participant to facilitate BOT’s support.
  • An Administrative Staff person(s) is expected to participate to assist as needed.

 FUSE Taskforce is seeking additional members, especially Young Adults and families with children. Reach out to Rev. Mike, for more information.

Family CORE Circle

(Thanks to Beverly Bravo for the post)

Family CORE Circle is a monthly Friday evening event held in the Community Room. It is part potluck, part playdate and a great opportunity to bond and share with other FUSD families of school-aged (and preschool aged) children. “Grandparents” will be on hand to guide the children in play while the parents can discuss various topics and deepen their acquaintance with each other and the church community in general.

FirstAnnounce Can Be Accessed from the Website

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson for the post)

If you have missed a FirstAnnounce email or are trying to locate an old one, you can access the archive from our website Scroll to the bottom of any page and you will see a heading in yellow titled ‘Useful links’. The fourth option down is ‘FirstAnnounce Archive. It you click on that link a display will appear listing each of the FirstAnnounce issues by month. You can click on the one you would like to view and see the entire newsletter!

Any questions, email

Ushers Volunteers Needed

(Thanks to Tyler Watlington and Jim Shively for the post)

We are looking for a dedicated group of individuals who would like to commit to being ushers for Sunday services. Once we have a list of interested individuals created, we will send out additional information about the role/expectations. Please send an email to Jim Shively at with a “cc” to Tyler Watlington at if you are interested.

Artwork Rehoming

(Thanks to Nancy Crow and Mark Krotzki for the post)

There are still a few pieces of artwork left from Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki’s downsizing effort. Visit the large basement classroom and pick out a favorite picture as a gift from us. We would appreciate a donation to the church in exchange, but it’s certainly not required. Remaining pieces include an original print featuring Chatauqua auditorium in Boulder, a couple of Doug West posters, a photo of a bald eagle and an original depiction of Muslims at prayer purchased from the artist on the streets of New York City in the 1970s.

Your Committee On Ministry Needs You!

(Thanks to Moya Hansen for the post)

The Committee On Ministry is in search of an engaged First Unitarian member to fill a short term vacancy through June of 2025. The committee is particularly interested in working with and learning from a young adult or young-ish adult. For this church year, the committee will be looking at what other congregations are doing around shared ministry as well as talking with committees and individuals at FUSD about their ideas around shared ministry. Shared ministry is the concept that the ministry of the church is shared between the minister/staff and the congregation so that all activities align with our congregational mission and vision. Interested in learning more? Contact Moya Hansen.


UU the Vote 2024 Denver Activation Canvas

(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post))

When: Saturday, November 2 & Sunday, November 3 from 12-4 pm (Lunch provided)

Where: First Universalist Denver, 1401

Join UU the Vote, Colorado-UU congregations and our partners at COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice as we take action talking to voters about Amendment 79 the Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiative. Join us 12-4 Saturday and/or Sunday for lunch and training, and then we’ll hit the doors. We would love to have you on this crucial weekend before the November election.

If you are interested and able to join us, please sign up here:

Social Justice Film Series at First Universalist – November 1

(Thanks to Holly Fulton for the post))

This film series is a combined effort of First Universalist Church of Denver and First Plymouth Church. The November film will be shown on Friday, November 1st at First Universalist Church of Denver, 4101 East Hampden Ave.

We will gather at 6:15 pm for refreshments, please bring a snack if you can. The film will be shown at 7 pm. “God and Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism” is a 2024 American documentary film directed by Dan Partland

and produced by Ron Reiner. This film discusses the emergence of Christian Nationalism and its close relationship with far right politics in the U.S., exploring its perceived threat to democracy and the politicization of Christianity. The documentary is based on Katherine Stewart’s book “The Power of Worshippers” (2020). We will have discussion after the film.

Sun, Oct. 27 4-6pm Jefferson Humanists Monthly Meeting – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton

(Thanks to Kathy Glatz for the post))

Sun, Oct. 27, 2024 from 4-6 pm  – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton at

Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 West 32nd Ave., Golden, CO

Hal Bidlack, P.h.D., will join us for his historical performance as Alexander Hamilton. This presentation by Hal Bidlack brings Hamilton alive for the audience, providing a very real sense of the history of our nation’s founding. His portrayal captures the intellect, wit, humor and humanity of this important historical figure.

Presented in the Chautauqua style of scholarship and education, Bidlack’s portrayal brings you into the presence of this important Founding Father. You will be drawn into the moment and trough questions and answers, will poinder the great and small questions of America’s

See more information and RSVP at

The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community

Support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund

Destruction in the wake of recent hurricanes has been devastating for many in the southeastern United States. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover by giving generously to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund.

Donate Today

UUA Newsletter – October 2024

The Unitarian Universalist Association, publishes a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in the Association. There are also resources available in the newsletter

Click here to view the October newsletter.

UU World will debut on Thursday, Oct. 17 a twice-a-month newsletter that showcases the latest updates from the website. The newsletter is named Wayfinder because it is intended to help you navigate your journey with Unitarian Universalist Shared Values as an ever-present guide. Wayfinder will bring revelatory, insightful, spiritually nourishing updates right to your email inbox. If you are a UU World subscriber, you are automatically signed up to receive it.

Pacific Western Region – October Newsletter

The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.

Click here to view the October newsletter.

Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association web site at for information at the association level.

UU the Vote – Newsletter

UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more.

Now, in 2024, they have progressed to shift from just election-year organizing to year-round movement-building work toward building a truly inclusive democracy.

Click here to view the newsletter.

First Unitarian Society of Denver Information

First Unitarian – Hearing Assistance in Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary has a hearing loop. This allows us to better serve the people in our community who have trouble hearing. If you are hearing impaired, you will be able to hear what is said at the worship services and other events with better clarity.

What is a hearing loop and how does it work? Hearing Loops allow people who wear hearing aids to directly receive the sound from the PA system to their own hearing aids, much like Wi-Fi for laptops. To hear better, you will no longer have to pick up a separate listening device!

Do my hearing aids work in a loop?If you wear hearing instruments you will need to find out if they have this wireless receiver, called a T-coil or Telecoil, built in to benefit from the hearing loop. The T-coil program is accessed by pushing a button on your hearing aid. This T-coil setting has to be activated before use. Please consult your audiologist if you have a push button on your hearing aids. If your hearing aid is not equipped with a T-coil, or you do not have a hearing aid: we have listening devices available, simply ask a member of our staff.

For more information: For questions about your hearing aids, please visit your audiologist. For questions about our hearing loop system, please email: Assist2Hear. Inc at:

First Unitarian – Calendaring and Room Reservations

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

To Request an event addition to the First Unitarian calendar and to request a room reservation:

  • To add a meeting or event to the Church Calendar and reserve a room:
  1. Check the church calendar on the website to see if there are any conflicts. There is a link on each page of the website in the black area at the bottom, under ‘Useful links’
  2. Complete the following form to request that your event be added to the calendar and to request a room reservation. 

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!

First Unitarian – Communication Methods How To’s

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

First Announce: A weekly church newsletter sent out by blast email Thursday evenings. (Also found on the website.) Deadline for entries is Tuesday end of day. 

Order of Service: The handout given at each Sunday service – giving service details, and upcoming church events Request deadline is Thursday at 8:00 am.

Please complete the form at the link below to submit announcements for either or both First Announce and Order of Service – select both options on the form.

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!


Finding a place to park when you come to visit our urban sanctuary can be a bit of a challenge! We recommend the following tactics/locations:

  • Sundays 6a-1p: 3 blocks of the north side of 14th Avenue (Marion St. to just before Franklin St. – please abide by the street parking signs)
  • Sundays 6a-1p: The Center at Colfax and Lafayette
  • Sundays 6a-1p: (42 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 8 am: (22 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am (22 parking spaces, except Sunday morning, see above. The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • If you have any questions or need a parking pass, contact Rhonda at Parking passes can also be obtained from the Greeters on Sunday morning.


Questions About Pledging? Jason Marsden –

Candles of Community –

Caring Committee –

Volunteer Greeters –

Connections Ministry –

Office/FirstAnnounce/Rhonda Williamson –

Religious Exploration – Leslie Harvey –

Giving in Action –

Mental Well-being –

 Car Donations – 877-999-8322

 FirstAnnounce is a compilation of news items sent to us from many different sources. Items printed in FirstAnnounce are for your information only and do not necessarily represent the views of First Unitarian Society of Denver or its members. Publication deadline is 5:00pm on Tuesday.


Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email

Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email

Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email

Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email

Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email

Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email

Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email


Lighting the FUSE! (First Unitarians Seeking Engagement)

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran)

The Board of Trustees (BOT) has approved the FUSE Taskforce with the goal of visioning/revisioning how First Unitarian facilitates meaningful engagement of new members and visitors/friends, especially families with school-age children, focusing on the first two years of membership/involvement.

The FUSE Taskforce presented the BOT with various plans of implementation and developed the following recommendations.


  • Research ideas, methods, or processes for new member/family connection/inclusion. What works? What might be doable at FUSD?
  • Consider who we are trying to reach, i.e. families, Denver/Capitol Hill demographics, millennials, NPR listeners, people of color, etc.
  • Build off existing strengths of the community/congregation.


  • This effort will need to work with and build off existing ministries, i.e. Connections Ministry, Faith Formation. including Minister, Stewardship and Finance Councils, and Leadership Development Committee. The goal is an overall vision/process that is complementary with existing efforts and seamless from the perspective of new members and friends.
  • A BOT liaison is expected to be an active participant to facilitate BOT’s support.
  • An Administrative Staff person(s) is expected to participate to assist as needed.

 FUSE Taskforce is seeking additional members, especially Young Adults and families with children. Reach out to Rev. Mike, for more information.

Family CORE Circle

(Thanks to Beverly Bravo for the post)

Family CORE Circle is a monthly Friday evening event held in the Community Room. It is part potluck, part playdate and a great opportunity to bond and share with other FUSD families of school-aged (and preschool aged) children. “Grandparents” will be on hand to guide the children in play while the parents can discuss various topics and deepen their acquaintance with each other and the church community in general.

FirstAnnounce Can Be Accessed from the Website

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson for the post)

If you have missed a FirstAnnounce email or are trying to locate an old one, you can access the archive from our website Scroll to the bottom of any page and you will see a heading in yellow titled ‘Useful links’. The fourth option down is ‘FirstAnnounce Archive. It you click on that link a display will appear listing each of the FirstAnnounce issues by month. You can click on the one you would like to view and see the entire newsletter!

Any questions, email

Ushers Volunteers Needed

(Thanks to Tyler Watlington and Jim Shively for the post)

We are looking for a dedicated group of individuals who would like to commit to being ushers for Sunday services. Once we have a list of interested individuals created, we will send out additional information about the role/expectations. Please send an email to Jim Shively at with a “cc” to Tyler Watlington at if you are interested.

Artwork Rehoming

(Thanks to Nancy Crow and Mark Krotzki for the post)

There are still a few pieces of artwork left from Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki’s downsizing effort. Visit the large basement classroom and pick out a favorite picture as a gift from us. We would appreciate a donation to the church in exchange, but it’s certainly not required. Remaining pieces include an original print featuring Chatauqua auditorium in Boulder, a couple of Doug West posters, a photo of a bald eagle and an original depiction of Muslims at prayer purchased from the artist on the streets of New York City in the 1970s.

Your Committee On Ministry Needs You!

(Thanks to Moya Hansen for the post)

The Committee On Ministry is in search of an engaged First Unitarian member to fill a short term vacancy through June of 2025. The committee is particularly interested in working with and learning from a young adult or young-ish adult. For this church year, the committee will be looking at what other congregations are doing around shared ministry as well as talking with committees and individuals at FUSD about their ideas around shared ministry. Shared ministry is the concept that the ministry of the church is shared between the minister/staff and the congregation so that all activities align with our congregational mission and vision. Interested in learning more? Contact Moya Hansen.


UU the Vote 2024 Denver Activation Canvas

(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post))

When: Saturday, November 2 & Sunday, November 3 from 12-4 pm (Lunch provided)

Where: First Universalist Denver, 1401

Join UU the Vote, Colorado-UU congregations and our partners at COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice as we take action talking to voters about Amendment 79 the Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiative. Join us 12-4 Saturday and/or Sunday for lunch and training, and then we’ll hit the doors. We would love to have you on this crucial weekend before the November election.

If you are interested and able to join us, please sign up here:

Social Justice Film Series at First Universalist – November 1

(Thanks to Holly Fulton for the post))

This film series is a combined effort of First Universalist Church of Denver and First Plymouth Church. The November film will be shown on Friday, November 1st at First Universalist Church of Denver, 4101 East Hampden Ave.

We will gather at 6:15 pm for refreshments, please bring a snack if you can. The film will be shown at 7 pm. “God and Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism” is a 2024 American documentary film directed by Dan Partland

and produced by Ron Reiner. This film discusses the emergence of Christian Nationalism and its close relationship with far right politics in the U.S., exploring its perceived threat to democracy and the politicization of Christianity. The documentary is based on Katherine Stewart’s book “The Power of Worshippers” (2020). We will have discussion after the film.

Sun, Oct. 27 4-6pm Jefferson Humanists Monthly Meeting – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton

(Thanks to Kathy Glatz for the post))

Sun, Oct. 27, 2024 from 4-6 pm  – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton at

Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 West 32nd Ave., Golden, CO

Hal Bidlack, P.h.D., will join us for his historical performance as Alexander Hamilton. This presentation by Hal Bidlack brings Hamilton alive for the audience, providing a very real sense of the history of our nation’s founding. His portrayal captures the intellect, wit, humor and humanity of this important historical figure.

Presented in the Chautauqua style of scholarship and education, Bidlack’s portrayal brings you into the presence of this important Founding Father. You will be drawn into the moment and trough questions and answers, will poinder the great and small questions of America’s

See more information and RSVP at

The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community

Support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund

Destruction in the wake of recent hurricanes has been devastating for many in the southeastern United States. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover by giving generously to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund.

Donate Today

UUA Newsletter – October 2024

The Unitarian Universalist Association, publishes a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in the Association. There are also resources available in the newsletter

Click here to view the October newsletter.

UU World will debut on Thursday, Oct. 17 a twice-a-month newsletter that showcases the latest updates from the website. The newsletter is named Wayfinder because it is intended to help you navigate your journey with Unitarian Universalist Shared Values as an ever-present guide. Wayfinder will bring revelatory, insightful, spiritually nourishing updates right to your email inbox. If you are a UU World subscriber, you are automatically signed up to receive it.

Pacific Western Region – October Newsletter

The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.

Click here to view the October newsletter.

Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association web site at for information at the association level.

UU the Vote – Newsletter

UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more.

Now, in 2024, they have progressed to shift from just election-year organizing to year-round movement-building work toward building a truly inclusive democracy.

Click here to view the newsletter.

First Unitarian Society of Denver Information

First Unitarian – Hearing Assistance in Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary has a hearing loop. This allows us to better serve the people in our community who have trouble hearing. If you are hearing impaired, you will be able to hear what is said at the worship services and other events with better clarity.

What is a hearing loop and how does it work? Hearing Loops allow people who wear hearing aids to directly receive the sound from the PA system to their own hearing aids, much like Wi-Fi for laptops. To hear better, you will no longer have to pick up a separate listening device!

Do my hearing aids work in a loop?If you wear hearing instruments you will need to find out if they have this wireless receiver, called a T-coil or Telecoil, built in to benefit from the hearing loop. The T-coil program is accessed by pushing a button on your hearing aid. This T-coil setting has to be activated before use. Please consult your audiologist if you have a push button on your hearing aids. If your hearing aid is not equipped with a T-coil, or you do not have a hearing aid: we have listening devices available, simply ask a member of our staff.

For more information: For questions about your hearing aids, please visit your audiologist. For questions about our hearing loop system, please email: Assist2Hear. Inc at:

First Unitarian – Calendaring and Room Reservations

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

To Request an event addition to the First Unitarian calendar and to request a room reservation:

  • To add a meeting or event to the Church Calendar and reserve a room:
  1. Check the church calendar on the website to see if there are any conflicts. There is a link on each page of the website in the black area at the bottom, under ‘Useful links’
  2. Complete the following form to request that your event be added to the calendar and to request a room reservation. 

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!

First Unitarian – Communication Methods How To’s

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

First Announce: A weekly church newsletter sent out by blast email Thursday evenings. (Also found on the website.) Deadline for entries is Tuesday end of day. 

Order of Service: The handout given at each Sunday service – giving service details, and upcoming church events Request deadline is Thursday at 8:00 am.

Please complete the form at the link below to submit announcements for either or both First Announce and Order of Service – select both options on the form.

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!


Finding a place to park when you come to visit our urban sanctuary can be a bit of a challenge! We recommend the following tactics/locations:

  • Sundays 6a-1p: 3 blocks of the north side of 14th Avenue (Marion St. to just before Franklin St. – please abide by the street parking signs)
  • Sundays 6a-1p: The Center at Colfax and Lafayette
  • Sundays 6a-1p: (42 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 8 am: (22 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am (22 parking spaces, except Sunday morning, see above. The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • If you have any questions or need a parking pass, contact Rhonda at Parking passes can also be obtained from the Greeters on Sunday morning.


Questions About Pledging? Jason Marsden –

Candles of Community –

Caring Committee –

Volunteer Greeters –

Connections Ministry –

Office/FirstAnnounce/Rhonda Williamson –

Religious Exploration – Leslie Harvey –

Giving in Action –

Mental Well-being –

 Car Donations – 877-999-8322

 FirstAnnounce is a compilation of news items sent to us from many different sources. Items printed in FirstAnnounce are for your information only and do not necessarily represent the views of First Unitarian Society of Denver or its members. Publication deadline is 5:00pm on Tuesday.


Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email


Lighting the FUSE! (First Unitarians Seeking Engagement)

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran)

The Board of Trustees (BOT) has approved the FUSE Taskforce with the goal of visioning/revisioning how First Unitarian facilitates meaningful engagement of new members and visitors/friends, especially families with school-age children, focusing on the first two years of membership/involvement.

The FUSE Taskforce presented the BOT with various plans of implementation and developed the following recommendations.


  • Research ideas, methods, or processes for new member/family connection/inclusion. What works? What might be doable at FUSD?
  • Consider who we are trying to reach, i.e. families, Denver/Capitol Hill demographics, millennials, NPR listeners, people of color, etc.
  • Build off existing strengths of the community/congregation.


  • This effort will need to work with and build off existing ministries, i.e. Connections Ministry, Faith Formation. including Minister, Stewardship and Finance Councils, and Leadership Development Committee. The goal is an overall vision/process that is complementary with existing efforts and seamless from the perspective of new members and friends.
  • A BOT liaison is expected to be an active participant to facilitate BOT’s support.
  • An Administrative Staff person(s) is expected to participate to assist as needed.

 FUSE Taskforce is seeking additional members, especially Young Adults and families with children. Reach out to Rev. Mike, for more information.

Family CORE Circle

(Thanks to Beverly Bravo for the post)

Family CORE Circle is a monthly Friday evening event held in the Community Room. It is part potluck, part playdate and a great opportunity to bond and share with other FUSD families of school-aged (and preschool aged) children. “Grandparents” will be on hand to guide the children in play while the parents can discuss various topics and deepen their acquaintance with each other and the church community in general.

FirstAnnounce Can Be Accessed from the Website

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson for the post)

If you have missed a FirstAnnounce email or are trying to locate an old one, you can access the archive from our website Scroll to the bottom of any page and you will see a heading in yellow titled ‘Useful links’. The fourth option down is ‘FirstAnnounce Archive. It you click on that link a display will appear listing each of the FirstAnnounce issues by month. You can click on the one you would like to view and see the entire newsletter!

Any questions, email

Ushers Volunteers Needed

(Thanks to Tyler Watlington and Jim Shively for the post)

We are looking for a dedicated group of individuals who would like to commit to being ushers for Sunday services. Once we have a list of interested individuals created, we will send out additional information about the role/expectations. Please send an email to Jim Shively at with a “cc” to Tyler Watlington at if you are interested.

Artwork Rehoming

(Thanks to Nancy Crow and Mark Krotzki for the post)

There are still a few pieces of artwork left from Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki’s downsizing effort. Visit the large basement classroom and pick out a favorite picture as a gift from us. We would appreciate a donation to the church in exchange, but it’s certainly not required. Remaining pieces include an original print featuring Chatauqua auditorium in Boulder, a couple of Doug West posters, a photo of a bald eagle and an original depiction of Muslims at prayer purchased from the artist on the streets of New York City in the 1970s.

Your Committee On Ministry Needs You!

(Thanks to Moya Hansen for the post)

The Committee On Ministry is in search of an engaged First Unitarian member to fill a short term vacancy through June of 2025. The committee is particularly interested in working with and learning from a young adult or young-ish adult. For this church year, the committee will be looking at what other congregations are doing around shared ministry as well as talking with committees and individuals at FUSD about their ideas around shared ministry. Shared ministry is the concept that the ministry of the church is shared between the minister/staff and the congregation so that all activities align with our congregational mission and vision. Interested in learning more? Contact Moya Hansen.


UU the Vote 2024 Denver Activation Canvas

(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post))

When: Saturday, November 2 & Sunday, November 3 from 12-4 pm (Lunch provided)

Where: First Universalist Denver, 1401

Join UU the Vote, Colorado-UU congregations and our partners at COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice as we take action talking to voters about Amendment 79 the Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiative. Join us 12-4 Saturday and/or Sunday for lunch and training, and then we’ll hit the doors. We would love to have you on this crucial weekend before the November election.

If you are interested and able to join us, please sign up here:

Social Justice Film Series at First Universalist – November 1

(Thanks to Holly Fulton for the post))

This film series is a combined effort of First Universalist Church of Denver and First Plymouth Church. The November film will be shown on Friday, November 1st at First Universalist Church of Denver, 4101 East Hampden Ave.

We will gather at 6:15 pm for refreshments, please bring a snack if you can. The film will be shown at 7 pm. “God and Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism” is a 2024 American documentary film directed by Dan Partland

and produced by Ron Reiner. This film discusses the emergence of Christian Nationalism and its close relationship with far right politics in the U.S., exploring its perceived threat to democracy and the politicization of Christianity. The documentary is based on Katherine Stewart’s book “The Power of Worshippers” (2020). We will have discussion after the film.

Sun, Oct. 27 4-6pm Jefferson Humanists Monthly Meeting – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton

(Thanks to Kathy Glatz for the post))

Sun, Oct. 27, 2024 from 4-6 pm  – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton at

Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 West 32nd Ave., Golden, CO

Hal Bidlack, P.h.D., will join us for his historical performance as Alexander Hamilton. This presentation by Hal Bidlack brings Hamilton alive for the audience, providing a very real sense of the history of our nation’s founding. His portrayal captures the intellect, wit, humor and humanity of this important historical figure.

Presented in the Chautauqua style of scholarship and education, Bidlack’s portrayal brings you into the presence of this important Founding Father. You will be drawn into the moment and trough questions and answers, will poinder the great and small questions of America’s

See more information and RSVP at

The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community

Support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund

Destruction in the wake of recent hurricanes has been devastating for many in the southeastern United States. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover by giving generously to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund.

Donate Today

UUA Newsletter – October 2024

The Unitarian Universalist Association, publishes a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in the Association. There are also resources available in the newsletter

Click here to view the October newsletter.

UU World will debut on Thursday, Oct. 17 a twice-a-month newsletter that showcases the latest updates from the website. The newsletter is named Wayfinder because it is intended to help you navigate your journey with Unitarian Universalist Shared Values as an ever-present guide. Wayfinder will bring revelatory, insightful, spiritually nourishing updates right to your email inbox. If you are a UU World subscriber, you are automatically signed up to receive it.

Pacific Western Region – October Newsletter

The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.

Click here to view the October newsletter.

Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association web site at for information at the association level.

UU the Vote – Newsletter

UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more.

Now, in 2024, they have progressed to shift from just election-year organizing to year-round movement-building work toward building a truly inclusive democracy.

Click here to view the newsletter.

First Unitarian Society of Denver Information

First Unitarian – Hearing Assistance in Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary has a hearing loop. This allows us to better serve the people in our community who have trouble hearing. If you are hearing impaired, you will be able to hear what is said at the worship services and other events with better clarity.

What is a hearing loop and how does it work? Hearing Loops allow people who wear hearing aids to directly receive the sound from the PA system to their own hearing aids, much like Wi-Fi for laptops. To hear better, you will no longer have to pick up a separate listening device!

Do my hearing aids work in a loop?If you wear hearing instruments you will need to find out if they have this wireless receiver, called a T-coil or Telecoil, built in to benefit from the hearing loop. The T-coil program is accessed by pushing a button on your hearing aid. This T-coil setting has to be activated before use. Please consult your audiologist if you have a push button on your hearing aids. If your hearing aid is not equipped with a T-coil, or you do not have a hearing aid: we have listening devices available, simply ask a member of our staff.

For more information: For questions about your hearing aids, please visit your audiologist. For questions about our hearing loop system, please email: Assist2Hear. Inc at:

First Unitarian – Calendaring and Room Reservations

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

To Request an event addition to the First Unitarian calendar and to request a room reservation:

  • To add a meeting or event to the Church Calendar and reserve a room:
  1. Check the church calendar on the website to see if there are any conflicts. There is a link on each page of the website in the black area at the bottom, under ‘Useful links’
  2. Complete the following form to request that your event be added to the calendar and to request a room reservation. 

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!

First Unitarian – Communication Methods How To’s

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

First Announce: A weekly church newsletter sent out by blast email Thursday evenings. (Also found on the website.) Deadline for entries is Tuesday end of day. 

Order of Service: The handout given at each Sunday service – giving service details, and upcoming church events Request deadline is Thursday at 8:00 am.

Please complete the form at the link below to submit announcements for either or both First Announce and Order of Service – select both options on the form.

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!


Finding a place to park when you come to visit our urban sanctuary can be a bit of a challenge! We recommend the following tactics/locations:

  • Sundays 6a-1p: 3 blocks of the north side of 14th Avenue (Marion St. to just before Franklin St. – please abide by the street parking signs)
  • Sundays 6a-1p: The Center at Colfax and Lafayette
  • Sundays 6a-1p: (42 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 8 am: (22 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am (22 parking spaces, except Sunday morning, see above. The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • If you have any questions or need a parking pass, contact Rhonda at Parking passes can also be obtained from the Greeters on Sunday morning.


Questions About Pledging? Jason Marsden –

Candles of Community –

Caring Committee –

Volunteer Greeters –

Connections Ministry –

Office/FirstAnnounce/Rhonda Williamson –

Religious Exploration – Leslie Harvey –

Giving in Action –

Mental Well-being –

 Car Donations – 877-999-8322

 FirstAnnounce is a compilation of news items sent to us from many different sources. Items printed in FirstAnnounce are for your information only and do not necessarily represent the views of First Unitarian Society of Denver or its members. Publication deadline is 5:00pm on Tuesday.


Sunday Worship,

October 27th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Autumn Remembrance

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 am.  An annual tradition, we will honor those who have passed beyond the veil and their presence in our lives. Everyone is invited to bring a memento of someone they have lost and remember.

This Sunday is our annual Day of Remembrance, which is an intergenerational service. This space is for everyone. Please be patient with our young congregants, as they engage in services in different, often more energetic, ways than we do as adults. Our children will be used as assistants, handing everyone a leaf and a pencil as adults enter the sanctuary. On your leaf, please take a moment to honor a loved one by writing a special memory about them. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to bring your leaf to the altar during the service when prompted.

We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)

Collected Poems by Sonia Sanchez

Published by Beacon Press, this collection represents the life and work of Sonia Sanchez, an honored poet, a founder of the Black Arts movement, and – as Maya Angelou puts it – “ a lion in literature’s forest”. The collection inspires and engages. It speaks to Sanchez’s dedication to human liberation, social equality, and human rights. All forms are represented – haikus to book-length narratives.

Stop by Miriam’s during coffee hour and browse the book.

Children’s Religious Exploration Programming

Religious Exploration News

(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)

We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.

Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Divestment Symposium

(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project and Denver Boulder Jewish Voice for Peace would like to invite you to The Divestment Symposium, here at First Unitarian on Wednesday, October 30th, 6:00 pm.

We will have speakers from the national divestment movement and will present case studies, and learn what divestment looks like!

If you have any questions, please email

Election Decompression

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

On Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8 pm, whichever way the election goes, First Unitarian will be open for all those who need a safe and calm space to decompress, grieve, celebrate, or otherwise process the results. We will hold a brief, participative service with music from Lia, comments from Rev. Mike, and an opportunity to connect with your community. Children welcome of course!

On The Path…

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)

Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Thursday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 14th through December 12th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:

Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!

(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!

Legacy Planning Workshop

(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, the perfect time to think about planning for your future—no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information about estate planning and leaving a legacy, see this FAQ sheet and come to the Legacy Working Group’s Legacy Planning Workshop at 12 noon, November 17, 2024, in the south part of the Community Room.

Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series

(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)

The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email


Lighting the FUSE! (First Unitarians Seeking Engagement)

(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran)

The Board of Trustees (BOT) has approved the FUSE Taskforce with the goal of visioning/revisioning how First Unitarian facilitates meaningful engagement of new members and visitors/friends, especially families with school-age children, focusing on the first two years of membership/involvement.

The FUSE Taskforce presented the BOT with various plans of implementation and developed the following recommendations.


  • Research ideas, methods, or processes for new member/family connection/inclusion. What works? What might be doable at FUSD?
  • Consider who we are trying to reach, i.e. families, Denver/Capitol Hill demographics, millennials, NPR listeners, people of color, etc.
  • Build off existing strengths of the community/congregation.


  • This effort will need to work with and build off existing ministries, i.e. Connections Ministry, Faith Formation. including Minister, Stewardship and Finance Councils, and Leadership Development Committee. The goal is an overall vision/process that is complementary with existing efforts and seamless from the perspective of new members and friends.
  • A BOT liaison is expected to be an active participant to facilitate BOT’s support.
  • An Administrative Staff person(s) is expected to participate to assist as needed.

 FUSE Taskforce is seeking additional members, especially Young Adults and families with children. Reach out to Rev. Mike, for more information.

Family CORE Circle

(Thanks to Beverly Bravo for the post)

Family CORE Circle is a monthly Friday evening event held in the Community Room. It is part potluck, part playdate and a great opportunity to bond and share with other FUSD families of school-aged (and preschool aged) children. “Grandparents” will be on hand to guide the children in play while the parents can discuss various topics and deepen their acquaintance with each other and the church community in general.

FirstAnnounce Can Be Accessed from the Website

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson for the post)

If you have missed a FirstAnnounce email or are trying to locate an old one, you can access the archive from our website Scroll to the bottom of any page and you will see a heading in yellow titled ‘Useful links’. The fourth option down is ‘FirstAnnounce Archive. It you click on that link a display will appear listing each of the FirstAnnounce issues by month. You can click on the one you would like to view and see the entire newsletter!

Any questions, email

Ushers Volunteers Needed

(Thanks to Tyler Watlington and Jim Shively for the post)

We are looking for a dedicated group of individuals who would like to commit to being ushers for Sunday services. Once we have a list of interested individuals created, we will send out additional information about the role/expectations. Please send an email to Jim Shively at with a “cc” to Tyler Watlington at if you are interested.

Artwork Rehoming

(Thanks to Nancy Crow and Mark Krotzki for the post)

There are still a few pieces of artwork left from Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki’s downsizing effort. Visit the large basement classroom and pick out a favorite picture as a gift from us. We would appreciate a donation to the church in exchange, but it’s certainly not required. Remaining pieces include an original print featuring Chatauqua auditorium in Boulder, a couple of Doug West posters, a photo of a bald eagle and an original depiction of Muslims at prayer purchased from the artist on the streets of New York City in the 1970s.

Your Committee On Ministry Needs You!

(Thanks to Moya Hansen for the post)

The Committee On Ministry is in search of an engaged First Unitarian member to fill a short term vacancy through June of 2025. The committee is particularly interested in working with and learning from a young adult or young-ish adult. For this church year, the committee will be looking at what other congregations are doing around shared ministry as well as talking with committees and individuals at FUSD about their ideas around shared ministry. Shared ministry is the concept that the ministry of the church is shared between the minister/staff and the congregation so that all activities align with our congregational mission and vision. Interested in learning more? Contact Moya Hansen.


UU the Vote 2024 Denver Activation Canvas

(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post))

When: Saturday, November 2 & Sunday, November 3 from 12-4 pm (Lunch provided)

Where: First Universalist Denver, 1401

Join UU the Vote, Colorado-UU congregations and our partners at COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice as we take action talking to voters about Amendment 79 the Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiative. Join us 12-4 Saturday and/or Sunday for lunch and training, and then we’ll hit the doors. We would love to have you on this crucial weekend before the November election.

If you are interested and able to join us, please sign up here:

Social Justice Film Series at First Universalist – November 1

(Thanks to Holly Fulton for the post))

This film series is a combined effort of First Universalist Church of Denver and First Plymouth Church. The November film will be shown on Friday, November 1st at First Universalist Church of Denver, 4101 East Hampden Ave.

We will gather at 6:15 pm for refreshments, please bring a snack if you can. The film will be shown at 7 pm. “God and Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism” is a 2024 American documentary film directed by Dan Partland

and produced by Ron Reiner. This film discusses the emergence of Christian Nationalism and its close relationship with far right politics in the U.S., exploring its perceived threat to democracy and the politicization of Christianity. The documentary is based on Katherine Stewart’s book “The Power of Worshippers” (2020). We will have discussion after the film.

Sun, Oct. 27 4-6pm Jefferson Humanists Monthly Meeting – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton

(Thanks to Kathy Glatz for the post))

Sun, Oct. 27, 2024 from 4-6 pm  – An Afternoon with Alexander Hamilton at

Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 West 32nd Ave., Golden, CO

Hal Bidlack, P.h.D., will join us for his historical performance as Alexander Hamilton. This presentation by Hal Bidlack brings Hamilton alive for the audience, providing a very real sense of the history of our nation’s founding. His portrayal captures the intellect, wit, humor and humanity of this important historical figure.

Presented in the Chautauqua style of scholarship and education, Bidlack’s portrayal brings you into the presence of this important Founding Father. You will be drawn into the moment and trough questions and answers, will poinder the great and small questions of America’s

See more information and RSVP at

The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community

Support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund

Destruction in the wake of recent hurricanes has been devastating for many in the southeastern United States. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover by giving generously to the UUA Disaster Relief Fund.

Donate Today

UUA Newsletter – October 2024

The Unitarian Universalist Association, publishes a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in the Association. There are also resources available in the newsletter

Click here to view the October newsletter.

UU World will debut on Thursday, Oct. 17 a twice-a-month newsletter that showcases the latest updates from the website. The newsletter is named Wayfinder because it is intended to help you navigate your journey with Unitarian Universalist Shared Values as an ever-present guide. Wayfinder will bring revelatory, insightful, spiritually nourishing updates right to your email inbox. If you are a UU World subscriber, you are automatically signed up to receive it.

Pacific Western Region – October Newsletter

The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.

Click here to view the October newsletter.

Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association web site at for information at the association level.

UU the Vote – Newsletter

UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more.

Now, in 2024, they have progressed to shift from just election-year organizing to year-round movement-building work toward building a truly inclusive democracy.

Click here to view the newsletter.

First Unitarian Society of Denver Information

First Unitarian – Hearing Assistance in Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary has a hearing loop. This allows us to better serve the people in our community who have trouble hearing. If you are hearing impaired, you will be able to hear what is said at the worship services and other events with better clarity.

What is a hearing loop and how does it work? Hearing Loops allow people who wear hearing aids to directly receive the sound from the PA system to their own hearing aids, much like Wi-Fi for laptops. To hear better, you will no longer have to pick up a separate listening device!

Do my hearing aids work in a loop?If you wear hearing instruments you will need to find out if they have this wireless receiver, called a T-coil or Telecoil, built in to benefit from the hearing loop. The T-coil program is accessed by pushing a button on your hearing aid. This T-coil setting has to be activated before use. Please consult your audiologist if you have a push button on your hearing aids. If your hearing aid is not equipped with a T-coil, or you do not have a hearing aid: we have listening devices available, simply ask a member of our staff.

For more information: For questions about your hearing aids, please visit your audiologist. For questions about our hearing loop system, please email: Assist2Hear. Inc at:

First Unitarian – Calendaring and Room Reservations

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

To Request an event addition to the First Unitarian calendar and to request a room reservation:

  • To add a meeting or event to the Church Calendar and reserve a room:
  1. Check the church calendar on the website to see if there are any conflicts. There is a link on each page of the website in the black area at the bottom, under ‘Useful links’
  2. Complete the following form to request that your event be added to the calendar and to request a room reservation. 

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!

First Unitarian – Communication Methods How To’s

(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)

First Announce: A weekly church newsletter sent out by blast email Thursday evenings. (Also found on the website.) Deadline for entries is Tuesday end of day. 

Order of Service: The handout given at each Sunday service – giving service details, and upcoming church events Request deadline is Thursday at 8:00 am.

Please complete the form at the link below to submit announcements for either or both First Announce and Order of Service – select both options on the form.

Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!


Finding a place to park when you come to visit our urban sanctuary can be a bit of a challenge! We recommend the following tactics/locations:

  • Sundays 6a-1p: 3 blocks of the north side of 14th Avenue (Marion St. to just before Franklin St. – please abide by the street parking signs)
  • Sundays 6a-1p: The Center at Colfax and Lafayette
  • Sundays 6a-1p: (42 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 8 am: (22 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am (22 parking spaces, except Sunday morning, see above. The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
  • If you have any questions or need a parking pass, contact Rhonda at Parking passes can also be obtained from the Greeters on Sunday morning.


Questions About Pledging? Jason Marsden –

Candles of Community –

Caring Committee –

Volunteer Greeters –

Connections Ministry –

Office/FirstAnnounce/Rhonda Williamson –

Religious Exploration – Leslie Harvey –

Giving in Action –

Mental Well-being –

 Car Donations – 877-999-8322

 FirstAnnounce is a compilation of news items sent to us from many different sources. Items printed in FirstAnnounce are for your information only and do not necessarily represent the views of First Unitarian Society of Denver or its members. Publication deadline is 5:00pm on Tuesday.


About the Author