FirstAnnounce – May 9, 2024

Sunday Worship,

June 9th, 2024

at 10:30 am

Chronos and Chaos

Rev. Mike Morran

Join us on Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 am.
This morning, an annual tradition will feature a special guest speaker.

We extend a warm invitation to you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online.

Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Join us for coffee in the Community Room after the service. 

First Unitarian Annual Meeting Packet

The First Unitarian Congregational Meeting was held on June 2, 2024 at 11:45 am.

The packet from the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 2, 2024, can be found here.

Also if you want to go directly to a particular report, you can find the links to those documents in blue below:

First Unitarian Annual Meeting Agenda

1. Chalice Lighting


3.Meeting Rules and Procedures

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Stewardship Council Report

6.FY24-25 Budget

7.Endowment Grants

8. Congregational (Justice) Projects

9.Candidates for Elected Committees

10. UUA General Assembly Delegates

11. Closing Words

Other Reports –

The Search Begins…

(Thanks to the Rev. Mike Morran
for the post)

First Unitarian Denver is beginning a search for a Director of Family Ministry and Inclusion. The new position will be a hybrid between Religious Education (Family Ministry), and what we are calling Inclusion; helping members and friends feel included and connected in the church community. If you know someone with a background education and/or working with children, please have them contact Rev. Mike at; The full job description can be found here.

Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…

(Thanks to the
Nan Wigington
for the post)

Your next book suggestion. Miriam’s Book Table will be ordering new books soon. What would you like to see? Do you want more from the UUA? A little Rebecca Parker? Some Forrest Church? How about the latest pocket guide? Or would you rather cast a wider net? Come let us know your thoughts or write down your suggestions during coffee hour.

Contact Nan Wigington for more information. (

Upgrading First Unitarian’s Sanctuary Piano

(Thanks to
Lia Davis
for the post)

Did you know that the Yamaha grand piano in our sanctuary is 55 years old and has never been overhauled? Be a part of replacing this piano with a younger, higher quality, more resonant instrument that will be a joy both to play and to listen to for years and generations to come!
Read more about this project and how to make a contribution.
In honor of our dearly departed, Sally Isaacson, who loved encouraging us to be generous with our financial resources, Robin Reed & Michael Delvaux are offering A Free Thank You concert featuring Singer-Songwriter Blair Borax for all who donate(or have already donated) to the piano fund by June 9th. The concert will take place at First Unitarian Denver after the service on Sunday July 21st. Coffee Hour will include hearty appetizers to tide you over. We are truly grateful for all of your contributions!



Volunteers Needed for New Member Dinner

(Thanks to the
Susan Riederer
for the post)

Do you have some extra time this month to make some food for the New Member Dinner (Saturday, June 29th)? We have recipes, we will pay for ingredients – we just need the chefs. All of the food can be prepared ahead of time and placed in your freezer. Contact Susan Riederer if you can lend a helping hand.

Second Chance Auction

(Thanks to the
Helen Berkman
for the post)

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! We have 17 auction events with spaces still available, including a few house concerts. Sign up now on-line, because a couple events only have only one or two spots left, AND because Second Chance Auction will only be open until June 9th. Just go to the auction website and click on “View Auction Catalog”.

Family Promise – Update

(Thanks to the
Kate Jones
for the post)

FUSD will be hosting Family Promise
June 9 – June 16
, supporting families experiencing homelessness. If you have signed up to be a volunteer to support this effort – THANK YOU! By now you should have received additional communication and instructions. Please reach out to Kate Jones at if you have any questions about your volunteer responsibilities. Learn more about Family Promise

Clear Direct Mentoring

(Thanks to Trudy Glidden for the post)

Clear Direct Mentoring presented to FUSD last Sunday during Giving in Action. The organization mentors under represented minority high school and college students who are in STEMM (science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Medicine). The organization is aligned with FUSD mission and provides PAID internships to the students. The Board of Directors is expanding and is looking for different perspectives and skill sets. Total of 5 hours per month. If you want comprehensive information, contact Trudy Gliddenby by phone or email,

Share Your Thoughts with Reproductive Justice

(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post)

Reproductive Justice Committee will be putting on a special service on
Sunday, June 16th. In this service, we plan to explore what it’s like to be female in 2024. In order to better represent girls and women of different ages and backgrounds, we would like to hear from you. If you are of reproductive age and ability, and would like to discuss your experiences around gender, being female, what it’s like to live in this country right now, or other related topics, we want to hear from you. You can email your thoughts and/or schedule a time to speak to someone about this via phone or zoom, by

First Unitarian Events Coming Soon

Let’s Talk About Sex (and consequences), Baby! Reproductive Justice Movie – June 18, 6:30-9:30

(Thanks to
Jane Ashley
for the post)

“The Surrogate” will be shown at Jane Ashley’s home from 6:30 pm-9:30 pm. Please RSVP to jane A young woman agrees to be the surrogate mother for two dear friends, but during the pregnancy, there’s a bump in the road. See a trailer for the movie here:

Imagine Camp! July 22-26th

The First Unitarian Summer Day Camp is an exciting opportunity for children rising into K through rising into 5th grade to engage in activities centered around taking action in their communities. The camp will run from July 22nd to July 26th, starting at 9 am and concluding at 3 pm.

During the camp, participants will explore various ways they can make a positive impact in their communities. They will learn about social issues, engage in interactive workshops, and develop skills that empower them to take action. Through fun and educational activities, the camp aims to inspire young minds and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards creating a better world. Limited spots are still available, so interested families are encouraged to register online promptly. The cost for the first camper in a family is $250, with each additional camper costing $100. For those in need of before and aftercare, there is a limited availability option upon request. To inquire about before and aftercare or for any additional questions, please reach out to Rev. Mike

Imagine Action! Summer Day Camp promises to be a memorable and impactful experience for children, empowering them to become active contributors to their communities. Register your child today and let their imagination ignite positive change!


The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community

Statement Supporting Student Activism on Gaza

(Thanks to
Kathy Glatz
for the post)

Let’s support Freedom of Speech and the Students speaking their minds on Palestine. UUJME and The Middle East Peace group at FUSD encourages you to read and sign and forward this:

2024 General Assembly Registration is Now Open!

Represent us at the UUA General Assembly!
 The Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) national meeting of UU congregations is an all-virtual event this year. You can participate from the comfort of your own couch from June 20-23, 2024.

 As a member congregation of the UUA, First Unitarian Society of Denver (FUSD) sends “delegates” to this event, which includes worship, workshops, lectures and the annual UUA business meeting. FUSD delegates will participate in the business meeting and vote on items that impact all member congregations.

If you are interested in serving as an FUSD delegate at the 2024 General Assembly, please reach out to Coral Cosway at

 Adult registration is $280 and includes access to the live sessions, on-demand programming, featured speakers and major worships. There is also an option to register for only the annual business meeting portion of the event for free (or a donation amount of your choice). You can review the program and schedule and visit the UUA’s General Assembly webpage
 for more information.

Pacific Western Region – May Newsletter

The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.Click here to view the May newsletter.Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association website at information at the association level.

4th Convocation of Unitarian / Universalist Women and People of Liberal Faiths

(Thanks to
Kathy Glatz
for the post)

September 5–8, 2024

Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár, Romania

Organized by the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women and UNOSZ, the National Organization of Unitarian Women of Romania, in partnership with the Hungarian Unitarian Church.

Theme: “Weaving a Tapestry of Peace and New Perspectives”

Connect – Collaborate – Create. The Convocation will focus on the collective need for peace within ourselves and in our communities as we search for ways to respond to intersecting global crises and uncertainties. The event will also be an opportunity to determine how to be more effective change-makers, weaving our own threads of equity into a tapestry of a peaceful and sustainable tomorrow.

Please see the preliminary program, which is subject to change.

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