Sunday Worship,
June 2nd, 2024
at 10:30 am
Diversity and Community
Rev. Mike Morran
Join us on
Sunday, June 2nd at 10:30 am.
Is “diverse community” an oxymoron? Does it depend on what we mean by diverse? Or what we mean by Community? This Sunday will explore some of the perils and promise of what we mean when we say we aspire to be a diverse community.
Giving in Action – Clear Direction Mentoring
(Thanks to the
Carol Ruckel
for the post)
Clear Direction Mentoring
exists to address our nation’s need to diversify science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine (STEMM) education programs and work forces. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows provide long-term mentorship to underrepresented minority students in STEMM from their sophomore year in high school to their first-ever paid STEMM internships.
CDM trains volunteer mentors through a three-part series in culturally competent mentorship before matching them with a student. Mentors help students navigate their journeys in STEMM, eliminating barriers to allow students to develop their STEMM identities, increase their feelings of empowerment, and to be retained in STEMM education programs due to increased confidence, access to emotional support, and vital information to guide their paths.
Clear Direction Mentoring was founded in 2014 by a student outreach group at NYU. Clear Direction Mentoring is now a 501c3 non-profit organization that has had amazing success in empowering STEMM students to retain talent in our field. We have two chapters: New York City, New York and Aurora/Denver, Colorado. We partner with New York University, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, local businesses, and STEMM giants to break down barriers and empower our fellows from historically marginalized and excluded backgrounds to achieve their dreams in STEMM. Learn more about Clear Direction Mentoring atwww.cleardirectionmentoring.org
First Unitarian Annual Meeting – Sunday, June 2nd
(Thanks to the
Coral Cosway
for the post)
We will hold our annual meeting, both in person and via Zoom (the Zoom information will be published in the next FirstAnnounce), on
Sunday June 2nd at 11:45 am
in the Sanctuary. At the meeting, we will be seeking Congregational approval for a slate of officers for the 2024/25 church year; asking for approval for our FY24-25 budget; authorizing delegates for the UUA General Assembly; approving grants from our Endowment Fund; and hearing reports from our Minister, our Treasurer and several committee leaders. Please plan on attending as no business can be conducted without a quorum.
The right to vote at congregational meetings of the Society shall be reserved to those currently on the Membership Roll and who have been on the Roll for sixty (60) days prior to the meeting. You can attend the meeting if you do not meet these qualifications, but cannot vote.
If you are attending you will check in at a table in the Community Room and Receive a voting card. If you attend on Zoom, we will also check you in.
Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kchZ8aqFYU
Webinar ID: 833 1698 2376
Passcode: 979952
First Unitarian Annual Meeting Agenda
1. Chalice Lighting
3.Meeting Rules and Procedures
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Stewardship Council Report
6.FY24-25 Budget
7.Endowment Grants
8. Congregational (Justice) Projects
9.Candidates for Elected Committees
10. UUA General Assembly Delegates
11. Closing Words
Other Reports –
Slate of Nominees for Election for 2024/2025
(Thanks to the
Leadership Development Committee
for the post)
The Leadership Development Committee has submitted a proposed slate of nominees for each of the Board and committee positions up for election for the 2024/2025 year, to be voted on at the annual meeting on
Sunday, June 2nd.
The First Unitarian bylaws require the slate of nominees be published at least 6 weeks before the date of the meeting.
Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…
(Thanks to the
Nan Wigington
for the post)
Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America
by Heather Cox Richardson
With precision and clarity, Cox maps our US history. She shows us our future and the road we are careening down. As she writes, “If right doesn’t matter, we’re lost. If the truth doesn’t matter, we’re lost. The Framers couldn’t protect us from ourselves if right and truth don’t matter.” Find out what matters. Pick up Cox’s book at Miriam’s Book Table.
What’s the best way to buy at Miriam’s Book Table? It’s a breeze with Breeze. Do you have the app on your phone?
Contact Nan Wigington for more information. (booktable@fusden.org).
Upgrading First Unitarian’s Sanctuary Piano
(Thanks to
Lia Davis
for the post)
Did you know that the Yamaha grand piano in our sanctuary is 55 years old and has never been overhauled? Be a part of replacing this piano with a younger, higher quality, more resonant instrument that will be a joy both to play and to listen to for years and generations to come!
Read more about this project and how to make a contribution.
In honor of our dearly departed, Sally Isaacson, who loved encouraging us to be generous with our financial resources, Robin Reed & Michael Delvaux are offering A Free Thank You concert, featuring Singer Songwriter, Blair Borax, for all who donate (or have already donated) to the piano fund by June 9th. The concert will take place at First Unitarian Denver after the service onSunday July 21st. Coffee Hour will include hearty appetizers to tide you over. We are truly grateful for all of your contributions!
(Thanks to the
Helen Berkman
for the post)
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! We have 17 auction events with spaces still available, including a few house concerts. Sign up now on-line, because a couple events only have only one or two spots left, AND because Second Chance Auction will only be open until June 9th. Just go to the auction website and click on “View Auction Catalog”
OPPORTUNITY – Family Promise
(Thanks to the
Kate Jones
for the post)
We need your help hosting families experiencing homelessness who will stay at our church during our next rotation June 9th – 16th. Cook a meal, host at the church to make people feel welcomed, set up a room, stay overnight, make a meaningful difference – opportunities for everyone! Plus, it’s a great way to meet other members of First Unitarian who are motivated to help families in need. Sign up to help TODAY by clicking
here! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094AA4AF2AA6FAC43-49507900-fusd or scan the QR Code. Contact Kate Jones at
FUSD.Family.Promise@Gmail.com with questions. Learn more about Family Promise
(Thanks to Tess Dieringer for the post)
If you haven’t already, please take a few moments to complete this short survey about your auction experience. Respondents emails are kept confidential and your feedback will help us improve future auctions. Thank you for your time!
The Auction Committee
Share Your Thoughts with Reproductive Justice
(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post)
Reproductive Justice Committee will be putting on a special service on
Sunday, June 16th. In this service, we plan to explore what it’s like to be female in 2024. In order to better represent girls and women of different ages and backgrounds, we would like to hear from you. If you are of reproductive age and ability, and would like to discuss your experiences around gender, being female, what it’s like to live in this country right now, or other related topics, we want to hear from you. You can email your thoughts and/or schedule a time to speak to someone about this via phone or zoom, by emailingreproductivejustice@fusden.org.
First Unitarian Events Coming Soon
Let’s Talk About Sex (and consequences), Baby! Reproductive Justice Movie – June 18, 6:30-9:30
Imagine Camp! July 22-26th
The First Unitarian Summer Day Camp is an exciting opportunity for children rising into K through rising into 5th grade to engage in activities centered around taking action in their communities. The camp will run from July 22nd to July 26th, starting at 9 am and concluding at 3 pm.
During the camp, participants will explore various ways they can make a positive impact in their communities. They will learn about social issues, engage in interactive workshops, and develop skills that empower them to take action. Through fun and educational activities, the camp aims to inspire young minds and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards creating a better world.
Limited spots are still available, so interested families are encouraged to register online promptly. The cost for the first camper in a family is $250, with each additional camper costing $100. For those in need of before and aftercare, there is a limited availability option upon request. To inquire about before and aftercare or for any additional questions, please reach out to Rev. Mike at revmorran@gmail.com.
Imagine Action! Summer Day Camp promises to be a memorable and impactful experience for children, empowering them to become active contributors to their communities. Register your child today and let their imagination ignite positive change!
The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community
Statement Supporting Student Activism on Gaza
2024 General Assembly Registration is Now Open!
Represent us at the UUA General Assembly!
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) national meeting of UU congregations is an all-virtual event this year. You can participate from the comfort of your own couch from June 20-23, 2024.
As a member congregation of the UUA, First Unitarian Society of Denver (FUSD) sends “delegates” to this event, which includes worship, workshops, lectures and the annual UUA business meeting. FUSD delegates will participate in the business meeting and vote on items that impact all member congregations.
If you are interested in serving as an FUSD delegate at the 2024 General Assembly, please reach out to Coral Cosway atPresident@fusden.org.
Adult registration is $280 and includes access to the live sessions, on-demand programming, featured speakers and major worships. There is also an option to register for only the annual business meeting portion of the event for free (or a donation amount of your choice). You can review the program and schedule and visit the UUA’s General Assembly webpage
for more information.
Pacific Western Region – May Newsletter
The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.
Click here to view the May newsletter.
Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association web site at https://www.uua.org/ for information at the association level.
4th Convocation of Unitarian / Universalist Women and People of Liberal Faiths
(Thanks to
Kathy Glatz
for the post)
September 5–8, 2024
Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár, Romania
Organized by the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women and UNOSZ, the National Organization of Unitarian Women of Romania, in partnership with the Hungarian Unitarian Church.
Theme: “Weaving a Tapestry of Peace and New Perspectives”
Connect – Collaborate – Create
The Convocation will focus on the collective need for peace within ourselves and in our communities as we search for ways to respond to intersecting global crises and uncertainties. The event will also be an opportunity to determine how to be more effective change-makers, weaving our own threads of equity into a tapestry of a peaceful and sustainable tomorrow.
Please see a preliminary program, subject to change.
First Unitarian Information
First Unitarian – Calendaring and Room Reservations
(Thanks to
Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)
To Request
an event addition to the First Unitarian calendar and to request a room reservation:
- To add a meeting or event to the Church Calendar and reserve a room:
- Check the church calendar on the website to see if there are any conflicts. There is a link on each page of the website in the black area at the bottom, under ‘Useful links’
- Complete the following form to request that your event be added to the calendar and to request a room reservation.
to access the First Unitarian Committee Handbook.
Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!
First Unitarian – Communication Methods How To’s
(Thanks to
Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)
First Announce: A weekly church newsletter sent out by blast email Thursday evenings. (Also found on the website.) Deadline for entries is Tuesday end of day.
Order of Service: The handout given at each Sunday service – giving service details, and upcoming church events Request deadline is Thursday at 8:00 am.
Please complete the form at the link below to submit announcements for either or both First Announce and Order of Service
– select both options on the form.
Click here to access the First Unitarian Committee Handbook.
Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!
Finding a place to park when you come to visit our urban sanctuary can be a bit of a challenge! We recommend the following tactics/locations:
- Sundays 6a-1p:
3 blocks of the north side of 14th Avenue (Marion St. to just before Franklin St. – please abide by the street parking signs)
- Sundays 6a-1p:
The Center at Colfax and Lafayette
- Sundays 6a-1p: (42 parking spaces)
The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
- Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 8 am
: (22 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
- Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am
(22 parking spaces, except Sunday morning, see above. The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
- If you have any questions or need a parking pass, contact Rhonda at office@fusden.org.
Parking passes can also be obtained from the Greeters on Sunday morning.