The Power of Disrespect: First Announce for September 18th, 2022

The Whole Souul Living Theme for September is Belonging

Sunday Worship –

September 18th at 10:00 am

The Power of Disrespect

by Rev. Mike Morran

This Sunday join us for a reflection on making change, both negative and positive.

We have coffee hour after the service, and would love for you to bring snacks (healthy and otherwise) to go with our coffee!

Multiplatform Worship at First Unitarian Denver

Join us on Sunday at 10:00 am, in person or online. At this time, masks are optional but highly encouraged for those who might have been exposed, might be at higher risk for severe illness, or have weakened immune systems. Our service streams to FacebookYoutube, and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).

Our in-person coffee hour will resume soon! Join us for virtual coffee hour on Zoom after the service. The meeting ID is 912-1732-1324. Come see familiar faces and meet new people.

Religious Exploration Kickoff –

Sunday, September 18th

(thanks to Erin Kenworthy, DRE, for the post)

Religious Exploration will Kick off Sunday morning programming on September 18th! We all begin in the sanctuary together, and are sung out to our programs following the Time for All Ages, about 15 minutes into the worship service

We are still in need of volunteers to work in all levels of our program. If you would like to volunteer, please click here to complete our volunteer form. We require all staff and volunteers to be background checked to work with our children and youth. 

Giving in Action – COLOR

(thanks to Gabriela Flora for the post)

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) is a community-rooted nonprofit organization that works to enable Latinx individuals and their families to lead safe, healthy, self-determined lives through advocacy, organizing, policy and narrative work. Since 1998, we are building community power with, are accountable to, and positively impact Latinx individuals and families in urban and rural Colorado, largely individuals who self-identified as women, femmes, trans, and gender expansive people of color, including youth (ages 16 to 26) as well as adults (35-55+) and multi-generational households, mono- and multi-lingual, im/migrant, undocumented, mixed status families, disabled, people experiencing poverty and low-to-moderate income households who are historically marginalized by institutions, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and those living at the intersections of those identities. Our work is intersectional and challenges all systems of oppression and tackles complex, intersecting, and nuanced issues; has a youth-to-elder approach that embraces a multi-generational continuum and a cultura-centric way that embraces a multiplicity of traditions, language, and cultural identities that resonate with our communities.

Sharing the Loss of George Mitchell

With a heavy heart, we lost our dear friend George Mitchell this week, he passed away Monday morning at Brookdale in Englewood. A fine man and a faithful soul, he will be missed by all who loved him and by this community. There is no date yet for a memorial service.

Help Celebrate Mike on Sunday, September 25

It’s Mike’s 20th year leading our FUSD community. Join us for a special worship service and coffee hour (there may be cake!) to celebrate and thank Mike for all the ways he has guided, nurtured and challenged us in our UU faith. Thank you, Mike! We look forward to honoring all the ways you’ve supported our UU community.

Second Chance Auction!

(thanks to Helen Berkman and Diane Hainsworth for the post)

There are 4 Auction Events that still have openings. Take a look and sign up for any you would like to attend! Sign-up sheets will be in the Community Room every Sunday. If you can’t make it to church in person, just email Helen at We know some of you missed out on bidding during April, so this is your SECOND CHANCE!

Once you sign up, you can pay on Breeze by going to Giving and in the drop down menu (the down arrow), click on Give to Auction Purchase.  Click here for online payment.  Or you can mail (1400 N. Lafayette St, Denver, CO 80218) or bring in a check payable to FUSD with the comment line: Auction Purchase.

   September 24— Americana Concert – at Beth Fischer and Don Elliot’s home

   October 1–Scrabble with Friends – at Marty Dawley’s

   October 2–Charlotte Braud-Kern and Tom Poole Concert – in the FUSD Chapel

   October 15–Souul Stage Salutes the Stage and Screen – in the FUSD Sanctuary

Silver & Gold Picnic – 11:00 am, Wednesday, September 28th

(thanks to Susan Riederer for the post)

    FUSD Silver & Gold Picnic

                       Wednesday, September, 28th at 11:00 am

                 Carmody Park – 2200 S Kipling St

             If you’ve circled the sun more than 80 times, 

           RSVP for picnic and rides – Doug 978-808-3692 

                   or to

Also, volunteers needed – please contact Susan at

Please, join us for this joyful gathering of friends, old and new.

Thanks for your support!

Susan, Elisa and Marty 

Climate Justice Project – 6:00 pm, Thursday, September 29th

(thanks to Stephanie Walton for the post)

Monthly Climate Justice Project meetings are beginning Thursday, September 29th at 6:00 pm. The October-December meetings will be on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6 pm. We will be meeting in person and hopefully will have a hybrid online option for those of you who continue to prefer the convenience of joining us online. We will share a draft agenda, link to join online, and meeting location details (most likely at FUSD) soon. Also, if you’d like to be added to the Climate Justice Project mailing list (where you can get draft agendas, meeting notes, action alerts and other items of interest but we try to keep email volume limited), please email Stephanie Walton at We look forward to seeing you there!

So, our fall meeting schedule will be:

Thursday, Sep. 29

Thursday, Oct. 20

Thursday, Nov. 17

Thursday, Dec. 15

Finding Yourself at First Unitarian!

(thanks to Mike Morran for the post)

A time for seekers, the curious, and those wishing to connect with the community, this class of two hours will provide an introduction to Unitarian Universalism and First Unitarian Church. Facilitated by Rev. Mike Morran, this participatory class will be offered Saturday, October 1st, 9:30 to 11:30 am.

Open to all, but you must pre-register with Rev. Mike (

SoUUlful Living

(thanks to Mike Morran for the post)

How does one live a spiritual life as a Unitarian Universalist? This class in five sessions will explore and answer that question. Facilitated by Rev. Mike Morran, this highly participative class will explore the core propositions of UU theology, and introduce/practice the spiritual disciplines of our tradition both individually and as a group. Class will meet Wednesday evenings, October 12th through November 9th, 7:00 to 9:00 pm.  Seekers, members, the curious, and the skeptical are ALL welcome! Participation is free, but you must pre-register with Rev. Mike (

Capitol Hill Concerts 2022-23 Season

(thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Announcing our fourth season, with four fabulous concerts! Capitol Hill Concerts’ 2022-23 season begins Saturday October 8th with progressive Bluegrass band Meadow Mountain. Read about this year’s artists and their designated nonprofits. Tickets are now on sale for Meadow Mountain, as well as Season Tickets — come to all 4 shows in the series and save $10. We invite you to become a Sponsor of our beloved Concert Series. Learn more about Season Tickets & Sponsorships, and purchase tickets online, or in person on Sunday mornings after service in our community room (through October 2nd). Did you know that each concert benefits a local non-profit organization, chosen in collaboration with our performing artists? Since the inception of our Series in 2018, we’ve donated over $6000 to worthy organizations. We can’t wait to experience this wonderful season of music with you!

Help Needed: Saturday, September 24th, Afghan Asylum Workshop in Northglenn

(thanks to Julie Meyers for the post)


Before you head out for the Labor Day weekend, please consider signing up to help at the Afghan Asylum Workshop on Saturday, September 24th. As you know, the Colorado Lawyers Committee has been partnering with Catholic Charities Denver to help resettled Afghans complete their asylum applications. 


We need both lawyers and non-lawyers to run the workshop. If you haven’t gotten involved yet, this is a great opportunity to provide real assistance without long-term commitment beyond the day of the workshop. No prior experience or expertise is required for most volunteers (although you must complete the online training if you are working with the Afghan families directly).


We currently have about 1/2 of the volunteers needed to assist 25 Afghan families at the workshop. If you haven’t already signed up, please join us. You can sign up here

Other upcoming dates are Saturdays: September 24, October 8 and October 22.

— from the Colorado Lawyers Committee Board and Friends

Support Local Musicians and First Unitarian Denver

(thanks to Lia Davis for the post)

Do you own a small business, or know a business owner who would be interested in supporting local musicians and First Unitarian Denver? Capitol Hill Concerts is seeking Business Sponsors for our upcoming 2022-23 season. Sponsorships are reasonably priced; your business name and logo will be featured on our website, in our email communications, and announced before each concert you are sponsoring. Please email Lia Davis for more information.

FUSD Eases COVID Restrictions

(thanks to Karl Jonietz for the post)

We have coffee – bring cookies and other treats if you like!

As a result of both CDC guidance (Denver County is “low risk”) and the advice of our own resident physician team, the Board has decided to ease the restrictions currently in place for Sunday services. Masks remain optional and we are also reinstituting that most-Unitarian of activities – Sunday morning coffee! Please join us in the community room following the service and as we all work to rebuild our valued community.

FUSD Website

(thanks to Lena McCain for the post)

As you may (or may not) have heard by now, we’ve been able to add hours to Lena’s schedule to help us get our website updated. This is such an exciting process as we all know that our website could use a little TLC! With this in mind, you are going to be seeing updates roll out over the next few months. We want to invite you to keep checking our website as things will be moved around and changed. 

We’ve added a few new updates to the website for you to check out this week:

The Contact Page:

The About Page:

The Staff & Leadership Page:

An archive to see all of our FirstAnnounce emails has been added

And finally, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of our website, you will see a new set of Useful Links (Visit Us, Breeze Login, Calendar, FirstAnnounce, Media Kit).

We’ll continue to let you know as pages are rolled out and hope you will be just as excited as we are to have more simple and up-to-date pages available for our community!

FUSD Board Secretary Needed

(thanks to Coral Coswary for the post)

The FUSD Board Secretary simply takes notes at the Board of Trustee’s monthly meetings and at our annual congregational meeting in June. That’s it! This is a great way to help lead our UU community, even if you only have a small amount of time to give. The Board uses an application called “My Committee” for its documents. If you’ve never used it, that’s OK — we can teach you! Please contact Coral Cosway ( or 720-413-6298) for more information or to express an interest in this volunteer opportunity.

FUSD Stewardship Coordinator – Job Opening

FUSD is searching for a Stewardship Coordinator. Click here to view the job description.

If you are interested, please send a cover letter and your resume to Rev. Mike Morran at

FUSD Building Custodian- Job Opening

FUSD is searching for a Building Custodian. Click here to view the job description.

If you are interested, please send a cover letter and your resume to Rhonda Williamson at


Questions About Pledging? –

Candles of Community –

Caring Committee –

Volunteer Greeters –

Connections Ministry –

Office/FirstAnnounce/Rhonda Williamson –

Giving in Action –

Mental Well-being –


Car Donations – 877-999-8322


FirstAnnounce is a compilation of news items sent to us from many different sources. Items printed in FirstAnnounce are for your information only and do not necessarily represent the views of First Unitarian Society of Denver or its members.


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