Religious Exploration News – December 5, 2024

Join us for upcoming fun family events!

On December 20th, Solstice Eve, our children will sing a Christmas carol as part of the festivities. On December 22nd, during our Solstice Service, we will create a production written by our very own Charlotte Braud-Kern, The Wish Tree! You won’t want to miss it.

Do you know any middle schoolers who would be interested in our Youth Program? You can enroll them in Breeze using this form. Unfortunately, we do not have enough volunteers to start in January. Current projected start date for the Youth Program (6th-8th graders) is March 2nd. This will be updated as we recruit more volunteers.

We are currently seeking volunteers who are interested in serving in our Youth classrooms! We are looking for folks to facilitate lessons on world religions and to facilitate student-led fun. If you are interested in investing in the future of FUSD by serving in our Youth program, please contact Leslie at or complete this form in Breeze to get the process started.

Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Coral Cosway! Do you know that our board of trustees president volunteers in our RE Program? She has served in our elementary classrooms several times this semester, and we are incredibly grateful for her support. Thanks for working with our kids AND for all you do here at FUSD, Coral. You are extraordinary!

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