Meet Your Board of Trustees

FY24-25 FUSD Board of Trustees

July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025


Coral Cosway, President

I have lived in Colorado since 2005 and joined FUSD in 2008. Since that time, I have served in many leadership capacities within the Church. I have served on the Board of Trustees, Leadership Development Committee, Committee on Ministry and Connections Ministry. I am a lobbyist by profession, working for the Alzheimer’s Association. In that role, I am responsible for state policy and state and federal advocacy work. I am looking forward to helping to lead our congregation next year.

EdEd Dieringer, Vice President

I was raised as the 7th of 12 children in a very devout Catholic family. Questioning this belief system resulted in years of religious disenfranchisement until I was introduced to Unitarian Universalism in 1983. Tess and I were married by a Unitarian minister in 1984 in Boise, Idaho, and proudly raised our three daughters as UUs. We moved to Salt Lake City in 1990 where we were very involved in the First Unitarian Church. There I served in multiple leadership roles including Board President where I led the transition of our congregation to the policy governance model, improved our financial administration, developed policies and procedures, increased board efficacy, and chaired planning, fundraising, and construction of a sizable Capital Campaign. We moved to Denver in 2022 to be with our daughters and young grandsons and promptly joined the FUSD community where I currently serve on the Board of Trustees. My professional life includes a degree in physical therapy, owning and operating a home health, hospice, and private duty agency, establishing a hospice nonprofit foundation, owning a childcare center, participating in a broad spectrum of leadership and advocacy positions on professional nonprofit boards, consulting on healthcare clinical and management issues, and property development, maintenance, and management.

JanJan Devor

I was born in Michigan and received a Masters’s Degree in teaching from the University of Michigan.  I taught 5-8 grades for 10 years before changing my career and was a Director of Religious Education in Unitarian Universalist churches in Concord, MA, and Minneapolis, MN, for 23 years.  I have a Masters’s credential in religious education from the UUA.  I have served on the Ministerial Fellowship Committee in Boston to credential new ministers. Since moving to Denver 6 years ago and joining the First Unitarian Society of Denver, I have worked on the RE curriculum and been a member of the Personnel and Caroline Utter committees.  I look forward to joining the Board of the First Unitarian Society of Denver.

CharlotteCharlotte Braud-Kern

I have been a member of FUSD since 2001. I serve as the chairperson for the music committee, sing in the choir and direct the First Unitarian Children’s choir.  Outside of church, I am a soon to be retired music and art teacher at Beach Court Elementary School.  I also run an after-school arts program that gives over 120 low-income students the opportunity to take music, art, dance and theater classes.

BetsyBetsy Brainerd

My husband, Steve, and I joined the First Unitarian Society of Denver in 1989 and then raised three children with its support. Over the years, I have been involved in many church committees and projects, including R.E (now Religious Exploration), Membership (now Connections), Social Action and Faith in Action, Leadership Development, and the Board of Trustees way back in the 1990s. The year I was Board President, we completed the first remodeling of the basement!  As much as I hope this time investment has helped First Unitarian to grow its impact in the Denver area, I know that spending time on the work of the church has benefited me personally. Church friends have sustained our family through life’s ups and downs. In addition, I have always been proud of First Unitarian’s unique voice in the community and its visible commitment to all aspects of justice. I am recently retired (first as an attorney and then as an early literacy librarian), so I decided to say “yes” when asked to serve on the Board of Trustees. First Unitarian seems well-positioned to broaden its impact and leap into some new works of service. I am committed to the mission and honored to be asked to participate on the Board.

MikeMike Cranmer

Over the past three decades, I have served on the FUSD Board of Trustees and on many committees of our church. Kathy Cranmer and I have been members at FUSD for 32 years.  We cherish and value our FUSD friends. It is our goal to serve FUSD as well as we can for as long as we can. I retired at the end of 2014 following 30+ years of service at Stewart Title, a national and multinational real estate title assurance/insurance company. During this time, I served as Colorado general counsel while also leading various operational teams through the years. During the last phase of my career, I was privileged to lead a sales team serving small businesses in 14 Western states. In general, I believe my work experiences have helped me to understand how to go about serving the needs of others, specifically now in the role of FUSD volunteer.

LauraLaura Mueller

I have been a UU for 46 years and have been a member of FUSD since 2012. I am a mother of 3 grown children and have 2 grandchildren. I am a retired Ob-Gyn physician and an avid reader, gardener, and international traveler. I have been volunteering at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, the Denver Botanic Gardens, Indivisible and with the Denver Democratic Party. At FUSD I have facilitated OWL classes, volunteered with Family Promise, and been on the Personnel Committee. I am currently serving on the Committee on Ministry.

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