The Whole Souul Living Theme for August is Simplicity
Sunday Worship –
August 7th at 10:00 am
Language Barriers
by Nathaniel Clark
Talking to people we don’t fully understand can be challenging, especially when those people are the ones you love. Guest speaker Nathaniel Clark reflects on a period of difficult conversations with family, and why those conversations were worth having.
Multiplatform Worship at First Unitarian Denver
Join us on Sunday at 10:00 am, in person or online. At this time, masks are optional but highly encouraged for those who might have been exposed, might be at higher risk for sever illness, or have weakened immune systems. Our service streams to Facebook, Youtube, and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).
Our in-person coffee hour will resume soon! Join us for virtual coffee hour on Zoom after the service. The meeting ID is 912- 1732-1324. Come see familiar faces and meet new people.
Giving in Action – Colorado Doula Project (CDP)
(thanks to Tina Proctor for the post) –
Founded in 2010, Colorado Doula Project (CDP) is a grassroots, nonprofit, volunteer-based collective of abortion doulas and reproductive justice advocates. CDP provides access to nonjudgmental, compassionate, and empowering doula support for individuals across the full spectrum of their reproductive experiences, with a specific focus on abortion, and provides practical support and funding for individuals seeking abortions in Colorado. Because reproductive injustice disproportionately affects people from low-income communities, queer and transgender folks, and people of color, CDP purposely engages volunteers and board members from these communities. In all its work, CDP commits to centering anti-racist practices in its services, educational offerings, and staff development, as well as uplifting the work of Black-led organizations in Colorado and across the country who are driving transformative change through protest, education, policy change, and more.
In the months after Senate Bill 8 passed in Texas, requests for support to CDP almost quadrupled. With the overturn of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, the number of requests received by CDP continues to rise, along with the financial support needed per request. The range of services provided by CDP is responsive to the needs of each client, as CDP knows each individual is the expert in their own abortion experience. CDP envisions a world where all people have the information, resources, and power to make informed decisions about their bodies and lives, and where the ability to make decisions about parenting and reproductive health is regarded as a deeply personal human right.
COVID Precautions at FUSD
(thanks to Karl Jonietz for the post) –
The prevalence of the BA.5 variant of COVID and continuing high case counts in Denver has prompted the Board to slow the pace at which our services return to “normal.”
We strongly encourage all who attend in-person Sunday services, regardless of vaccination status, to continue to wear masks while inside.
We are also delaying our return to a normal inside coffee hour, although coffee will still be available on the front steps.
We will re-examine our precautions in September.
Family Promise Returns – We Need YOU!
(thanks to Hillary Osborne for the post) – We need YOU! FUSD is hosting Family Promise again in early August. We are eagerly preparing to host a 2-week Family Promise rotation at FUSD from Sunday, July 31 to Sunday, August 14. We welcome both seasoned and new volunteers as we work to provide safe shelter and food to families experiencing homelessness.
For those of you not yet familiar with this program, we open the church for up to four families to stay for a week or two at a time before they move to another host church. During these rotations there are a number of different volunteer needs – moving beds and luggage, bedroom set-up, driving families, helping cook shared meals, hosting (evenings, weekends and overnights), clean-up and laundry.
For those interested please sign-up by clicking here or find us after service if you have any questions on how you can help.
(thanks to Helen Berkman and Diane Hainsworth for the post) –
There are 8 Auction Events that still have openings. Take a look and sign up for any you would like to attend! Sign-up sheets will be in the Community Room every Sunday. If you can’t make it to church in person, just email Helen at h.berkman1@gmail.com. We know some of you missed out on bidding during April, so this is your SECOND CHANCE!
Once you sign up, you can pay on Breeze by going to Giving and in the drop down menu (the down arrow), click on Give to Auction Purchase. Click here for online payment. Or you can mail (1400 N. Lafayette St, Denver, CO 80218) or bring in a check payable to FUSD with the comment line: Auction Purchase.
August 18–Gary Bragg and Eric Moon in Concert
August 27–Gossamer Winds Concert—-Stu Ferguson/Carol Welsh’s home
August 28–Iconic Piano Rock Concert— at the Hahn’s
September 16–The FUSD Men’s Dinner
September 24— Americana Concert–at Beth Fischer and Don Elliot’s home
October 1—Scrabble with Friends–at Marty Dawley’s
October 2—Charlotte Braud-Kern and Tom Poole Concert in the FUSD Chapel
October 15–Souul Stage Salutes the Stage and Screen–in the FUSD Sanctuary
FUSD’s Americana Band “Lafayette” Performing at the Skyline Festival!
(thanks to Charlotte Braud-Kern for the post)
Festival info: Saturday, August 13 at Zuni Park 4:30
Lafayette formed from a group of First Unitarian musicians and singers who love making music together. The music is a combination of acoustic instruments with prominent vocal harmonies that build a rich tapestry of fun and meaningful cover songs and original music.
For this concert, band members/songwriters include Lia Davis (accordion), Rachel Hill (vocals) Patrick Keating (Guitar) and Barry Osborne (banjo).
Completing the ensemble are five-time fiddle champion Celeste Johnson, Bassist Harry Olsson, Jr., vocalists Alisha Bashaw and Charlotte Braud-Kern, and 11 year-old yodeler Cora Davis.
We would love to see you there! Click here for festival information: https://skylinefestival.org/
Kendall Richards – Memorial on August 20th
A long-ago member Kendall Richards, died of a stroke on July 8 at age 54. Kendall was dedicated in FUSD’s religious education program as a child, and her parents Barb & Dick Richards were active members for more than 8 years. Later, Barb with her husband Fred Cole were leaders in UUA Mountain Desert District’s 9th Grade Trip for many years and all have returned to FUSD periodically to celebrate and grieve together.
You are invited to celebrate Kendall’s life on Saturday, August 20 at 2:00 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, 5001 Pennsylvania Avenue, Boulder. Live streaming will be available via the UUCBYouTube Channel at 2 p.m. MDT: youtube.com/c/UUChurchOfBoulder. Friends who wish to make a contribution in Kendall’s honor may direct donations to:
Kendall’s Kids
1stBank, South Boulder Branch
4770 Baseline Road, Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80303
FUSD Reproductive Justice Project meeting
(thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post)
First Unitarian’s Reproductive Justice Project will hold a meeting on Sunday, August 21st at noon (after church) in the Sanctuary. Attend the meeting to meet our Executive Leadership Team, learn our priority areas for action, sign up for activities, and discuss our first service (August 28th). Please RSVP to reproductivejustice@fusden.org.
(thanks to Lena McCain for the post) –
As you may (or may not) have heard by now, we’ve been able to add hours to Lena’s schedule to help us get our website updated. This is such an exciting process as we all know that our website could use a little TLC! With this in mind, you are going to be seeing updates roll out over the next few months. We want to invite you to keep checking our website as things will be moved around and changed.
First up on our updates is our About page! Now you will be able to easily find and lead people to Our Staff, Board of Trustees, and Committees by simply going to https://fusden.org/about.
We’ll continue to let you know as pages are rolled out and hope you will be just as excited as us to have more simple and up-to-date pages available for our community!
Opportunity to Assist Afghans in Colorado
(thanks to Kathy Glatz for the post) – Park Hill Methodist and Temple Micah have adopted 2 families, and welcome volunteers. It requires 2 brief training sessions (1 online) and a background check. Contact Karen Bergman for more information.
Climate Justice and Indigenous Right Relations Activities Postponed
(thanks to Stephanie Walton for the post) – The Climate Justice Project will not hold our regular monthly meetings over the summer. Instead, we are planning a few informal, agenda-free social gatherings and hope some of you can join us!
The visit to Riverside Cemetery and screening of Suncor Sundown have been postponed. Stay tuned for information on rescheduling!
Dinner on a shaded terrace, Sunday August 28 at 4:00 PM Janet Kennedy has graciously offered for us to meet on her terraced patio that is shaded by 110-year-old evergreen trees. Bring your own meal and spend time getting to know members of this committee in a beautiful and relaxed setting. We will dine together and then enjoy a walk around Cheesman Park (optional). Space limited to 16. RSVP to Noelle Botti at noellebotti@hotmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you!
FUSD has two new volunteer editors for FirstAnnounce!
Thank you to Nan Wigington and Kathlene Sutton for their editing skills. They are each responsible for two weeks a month. Welcome, we are so glad you volunteered!
FUSD Volunteers are what make our community! Currently there are the following needs:
Sanctuary Chairs – this job will need to be done at church. It entails learning what the ‘normal’ set up is and straightening/resetting the chairs.
- On Sunday mornings, in addition to in person services, we stream to Zoom, Facebook and Youtube. We are looking for volunteers to help host/monitor the streaming services. This can be done remotely on Sunday mornings. You can choose a once or twice a month commitment.
If you are interested in learning more, or are ready to jump in, contact Rhonda at office@fusden.org. Training will be provided!
You can also complete the volunteer form by clicking here.