Sunday Worship,
September 29th, 2024
at 10:30 am
From Out to In; On the Nature of Belonging
Rev. Mike Morran
Join us on Sunday, September 29th at 10:30 am. How do we know if we belong somewhere? How do we know if we belong right here at 1st Unitarian Denver? This morning will consider what it means to be part of this Faith Community.
Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…
(Thanks to the Nan Wigington for the post)
FUSD member and NYT bestselling author Cynthia Swanson’s new novel, Anyone But Her.
Set in Denver in 1979 and 2004, Anyone But Her tells the story of Suzanne—named for the Leonard Cohen song and adored by her mother, Alex, who is killed during a robbery at Alex’s record store on Colfax Avenue when Suzanne is 14. Both as a teen and later in adulthood, Suzanne searches for clues about unresolved circumstances around Alex’s death. But what happens when she discovers what she thought she wanted to know?
Children’s Religious Exploration Programming
Religious Exploration News
(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)
We currently have 20 children and 5 youth enrolled in our weekly programming. It’s never too late to enroll your children! Please use this enrollment form before they will be joining one of our classes (Nursery-5th grade).
We still need volunteers for all age groups in order to have a robust team, and the most pressing need is for the Nursery and for our Youth (Middle and High Schoolers). If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this interest form or see Ms. Leslie in the community room at the Family Check-in table to get your questions answered. Each week, every volunteer is provided a lesson plan, all the materials needed, and a binder full of resources. We will even train you until you feel comfortable.
Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero Michelle Weetman! Ms. Michelle has served for two weeks in our Intermediate classroom and is having a blast with our 2nd-5th graders. She takes the time to really listen to each student and always has something positive to share with their families at dismissal. Thanks for being you, Michelle! We appreciate you.
First Unitarian Events Coming Soon
Reproductive Justice Initiative – GOTV Letter Writing Events
(Thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post)
Calling all Get Out the Vote advocates! The Reproductive Justice Committee will be hosting two letter writing opportunities at the church to encourage voter turnout at the November Election. We are adopting letters to get Rep Yadira Caraveo reelected. If you don’t know her, she is a Latina woman, previously was a pediatrician, and pro choice democrat, who the Republicans want to unseat. There are still 16k letters to adopt for this campaign (swing state campaign letters have already been adopted).
We will do letter writing on Sunday, September 22nd and Sunday, September 29th from 1:30 pm to 5 pm (drop in as you like), in the community room. The committee will provide envelopes, stamps, and the printed letters (and snacks!) All you have to do is RSVP. Please email reproductivejustice@fusden.org and let Kimberly know which date (or both) that you will attend AND how many letters you would like to do (20 letters usually takes about an hour). Thanks!
Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series
(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)
The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email Mejfusd@gmail.com.
“Without Exception: Reclaiming abortion, personhood and freedom” – Book reading and signing event!
Join the Reproductive Justice Initiative on Sunday, October 6th at 7 pm as we welcome Pam Houston to our pulpit to read from her book: Without Exception, Reclaiming Abortion, Personhood, and Freedom. Pam will be signing and selling books after her reading in the community room. We ordered 12 copies to give away for free and they went like hotcakes. The committee will also provide light snacks and fellowship.
Don’t miss out! This is an excellent way to hear from a local author, support her work, join comrades in the fight for reproductive justice. Bring your friends. If possible PLEASE RSVP (so we know how many books to order) to reproductivejustice@fusden.org.
If you are unable to attend, you can order the book online here: https://www.torreyhouse.org/without-exception.
Stewardship Council Legacy Working Group Update
(Thanks to Lynn Garman for the post)
Thank you for returning your green letters! Mark your calendar with these upcoming events:
October 6 – Recognition and Thank you brunch for anyone who has named our congregation in their estate plan. This is a special event and RSVPs are important in our planning, so please let us know immediately, and advise us if your plans change.
October 21-27 – National Estate Planning Awareness Week, watch for more resources and information
November 17 – Legacy Giving Workshop after service, an opportunity for members of all ages to learn more about how to support FUSD through your estate plan.
Potluck at First Unitarian
(Thanks to Karen Ray for the post)
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Sunday, October 13th, after the 10:30 service: POTLUCK!
We strongly believe in the power of breaking bread in community – it brings good things!
Bring something to share, or just pitch in for the set-up/clean-up. This will be a great opportunity to spend a little time with people you might typically just see in passing. An additional opportunity is on the preceding Saturday (10/12) – consider coming down to FUSD to collaborate on something to contribute to the potluck…more details to follow. Questions? Erick@fusden.org
Craft Circle at First Unitarian
(Thanks to Julie Meyers for the post)
The FUSD Craft Circle will be resuming after a summer hiatus on Wednesday, October 16 from 2:00-3:30 pm at FUSD in the Community Room. This is an informal way to be in community while we work on our own projects. No RSVP needed. I’m willing to teach beginners how to knit and can provide yarn and needles for your first project if you let me know in advance! We will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. For more info, contact Julie Meyers at julie.meyers.md@gmail.com
Let’s Talk About Reproductive Justice, Friends!
(Thanks to Jane Ashley for the post)
The next movie in the RJ film series will be “Philomena,” gorgeous, heart-breaking and funny all at once. It’s the story of a pregnant Irish girl in the 1950s who is sent to a convent to give up her baby for adoption. Fifty years later, she goes on a quest to find her son, aided by a cranky journalist who’s writing the story. The screening will be at the home of Jane Ashley. Please RSVP to jane.ashley52@gmail.com, or (703) 328-5891.
Date: Tuesday, Oct. 15
Time: 6 pm-9 pm
Trailer: YouTube.com/watch?v=rG3QP8foCvg
CORE (Creative, Open, Religious Exploration) Circles
(Thanks to Beverly Bravo for the post)
CORE (Creative, Open, Religious Exploration) Circles
CORE Circles strengthen our congregation through small monthly gatherings designed to foster friendship and spiritual growth.
CORE Circles allow us to create connections with one another in deeper, thoughtful, and intentional ways beyond our usual Sunday contact or committee work.
CORE Circles keep us aware and responsive to one another in times of need as well as celebration.
At this moment, I am trying to start a CORE circle for families with young and school-age children. If you’re interested in becoming a part of this, we will be meeting in the community room on Friday, October 18 at 6 pm. If you’re interested in this event or joining another CORE circle within our congregation or even starting your own, please contact me. Beverly Bravo 3039212684 or bravodenver@gmail.com
First Unitarian Volunteer Fair – Sunday, October 20
During Coffee Hour on Sunday, October 20th, our Community Room will be abuzz with opportunities to explore the heart of our Faith Tradition and learn about the work we’re doing beyond our ‘four walls.’
Our Congregational Projects, various Initiatives, and Church Committees will be represented by warm and welcoming members of our congregation, eager to share information and answer your questions.
And of course, there will be delicious goodies to enjoy while you connect and learn!