Sunday Worship,
October 20th, 2024
at 10:30 am
But Even So…
Rev. Mike Morran
Join us on Sunday, October 13th at 10:30 am. In which we examine a famous haiku by the Japanese poet Issa. Even having considered all the evidence, there is always the tug of hope.
Giving in Action – Cobalt
(Thanks to the Lynn Garman for the post)
The Giving in Action recipient on Sunday, October 20th will be Cobalt (
Cobalt is a grassroots, statewide Colorado organization that advances abortion access and reproductive rights. Cobalt believes nothing should stand between you and your health decisions, which is why we are dedicated to fighting for systems, structures and policies that protect reproductive rights and guarantee comprehensive, universal access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion. The Cobalt Abortion Fund is the only abortion access fund in Colorado without income restrictions. Our volumes continue to increase and cases are becoming more complex as abortion seekers are forced to travel longer distances to access abortion care.
First Unitarian Volunteer Fair – Sunday, October 20
During Coffee Hour on Sunday, October 20th, our Community Room will be abuzz with opportunities to explore the heart of our Faith Tradition and learn about the work we’re doing beyond our ‘four walls.’
Our Congregational Projects, various Initiatives, and Church Committees will be represented by warm and welcoming members of our congregation, eager to share information and answer your questions.
And of course, there will be delicious goodies to enjoy while you connect and learn!
Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…
YOU! Come volunteer to work at Miriam’s Book Table! Spending a shift at the book table is a great to spend your coffee hour. You’ll get introduced to Unitarian Universalist thought, friendly fellow volunteers, and our book curious congregation.
Children’s Religious Exploration Programming
Religious Exploration News
(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)
We are looking forward to our Intergenerational service on October 27th; there will be no RE classes that morning. We have planned some fun ways to engage our littlest congregants during the Day of Remembrance service. If your family has lost a loved one (human or pet), you can begin conversations with your child about our special service before the 27th. Families are encouraged to bring a photo or item on that day that can be shared during the service to honor a loved one.
Our Nursery is open for business! Thanks to Mary Hilken for volunteering to serve in our Nursery this Sunday and every Sunday in November. Children under the age of 3 are welcome! Please enroll your child through Breeze using this form. This information will help us with important information about you and your child before s/he starts.
Shout Out to this week’s Volunteer Superhero, Charlotte Braud-Kern! Charlotte has been a member of FUSD for 20+ years and has been instrumental in helping us get our RE program restarted this Fall. Her experience as an educator and her willingness to fill in wherever needed, in addition to serving on the RE Committee and helping to plan upcoming events, make her invaluable to our RE team. We are blessed to have you, Charlotte! Thanks for ALL you!
First Unitarian Events Coming Soon
Remembrance Service – Sunday, October 27th
Please join us for our Multigenerational Day of Remembrance service on Sunday, October 27th. During this service, we will create a special community altar. On Sunday, we encourage everyone to bring photos, keepsakes, or even some snacks as a way to honor the memory of our departed ancestors, friends, family, and beloved pets. Let’s come together and build this meaningful altar as a community. Kindly remember to take your belongings with you once the service concludes.
We warmly invite you to join us in person, or if you prefer, you can also participate online. We look forward to seeing you there!
CORE (Creative, Open, Religious Exploration) Circles
(Thanks to Beverly Bravo for the post)
At this moment, I am trying to start a CORE circle for families with young and school-age children. If you’re interested in becoming a part of this, we will be meeting in the community room on Friday, October 18 at 6 pm. If you’re interested in this event or joining another CORE circle within our congregation or even starting your own, please contact me. Beverly Bravo 3039212684 or
CORE (Creative, Open, Religious Exploration) Circles
CORE Circles strengthen our congregation through small monthly gatherings designed to foster friendship and spiritual growth.
CORE Circles allow us to create connections with one another in deeper, thoughtful, and intentional ways beyond our usual Sunday contact or committee work.
CORE Circles keep us aware and responsive to one another in times of need as well as celebration.
(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)
Prayer and Blessing is a versatile and accessible practice for deepening/transforming self and community. Whether made in desperation, solemn intention, joy, or grief…, whether flowing naturally or choking on the words, prayer is about being in right relationship. Rev. Mike Morran will facilitate this four session, experiential, inclusive, and informative class Wednesday nights, 7-9:00 p.m., November 13th through December 11th, skipping November 20th (Thanksgiving week). Seekers of all kinds and the merely curious are welcome, but you must RSVP with Rev. Mike:
Middle East Justice: Palestine in Context Class Series
(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)
The Middle East Justice Project is delighted to announce its Fall “Palestine in Context” course. Please register for the course here. To be added to our mailing list or for any questions please email
Announcing Capitol Hill Concerts 6th Season!
(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)
Capitol Hill Concerts, hosted at First Unitarian Denver, kicks off its 2024-2025 season on Saturday November 9th at 7 pm with Gonzalo Teppa, Origins. Origins performs original music that draws from the musical wells of Latin American roots (Venezuelan, Brazilian, Argentinian, and Afro-Cuban), ballads, Jazz and more. In 2025, we’ll welcome three more wonderful ensembles to our sanctuary: soulful, eclectic folk/pop singer Mark Oblinger (January 25), The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanying silent film (March 8), and Cóisir performing Traditional Irish music (April 5). All concerts begin at 7 pm. Attend all four concerts for only $70 with Season Tickets, or become a Sponsor and receive a free CD from one of this season’s artists plus an invitation to our Sponsor Soirée. Read more about tickets and sponsorships. We hope you will join us for this fantastic season of music!
Estate Planning – Legacy Working Group Update
(Thanks to Nancy Crow for the post)
National Estate Planning Awareness Week is October 21 – 27, 2024! Do you have an estate plan? Learn about estate planning and how to leave a legacy to First Unitarian at the Legacy Working Group’s 12 noon, November 17, 2024, seminar in the Community Room.