Sunday Worship,
December 15th, 2024
at 10:30 am
Fooling Ourselves
Rev. Mike Morran
Join us on December 15th at 10:30 am. This Sunday will take a somewhat playful look at all the ways humans manage to believe the unbelievable, or at least slant the truth to our liking. We all do it.
You are invited to a music-filled, contemplative service on Thursday, December 12th at 6:00 pm. This service features vocalists from our community, Lia Davis on piano, and guest cellist Phil Norman. Blue Christmas is for everyone, though especially for those whose memories or experience of the holidays has been incongruous with the typical, superficial expectations of the season.
Click here to live stream.
Potluck this Sunday after Coffee hour
(Thanks to Eric Kollwitz for the post)
Join us this Sunday for a potluck after coffee hour! There will be many things happening in our community Sunday; from fond farewells to the children rehearsing the Christmas pageant. Let’s make the most of time together and bring your favorite dish to share and add to our communal atmosphere!
Miriam’s Book Table is Proud to Feature…
Thanks to Nan Wigington for the post)
Skin Again by bell hooks
Gloria Jean Watkins, better known as bell hooks, wrote about 40 books. Give her a topic – love, race, feminism, capitalism, class, education – she wrote about it. She even wrote children’s books. You’ll find one of those children’s books at the book table. Skin Again, illustrated by Chris Raschka, is a meditation on skin, the thing that contains us, but cannot define us. Check out hooks’ words and Raschka’s drawings at the book table during coffee hour.
Children’s Religious Exploration Programming
Religious Exploration News
(Thanks to the Leslie Harvey for the post)
Join us for upcoming fun family events! On December 20th, Solstice Eve, our children will sing a Christmas carol as part of the festivities. On December 22nd, during our Solstice Service, we will put on a production written by our very own Charlotte Braud-Kern, The Wish Tree! You won’t want to miss it.
Do you know any middle schoolers who would be interested in our Youth Program? You can enroll them in Breeze with this form. Unfortunately, we do not have enough volunteers to start in January. Current projected start date for the Youth Program (6th-8th graders) is March 2nd. This will be updated as we recruit more volunteers.
Currently seeking volunteers who are interested in serving in our Youth classrooms! We are looking for folks to facilitate lessons on world religions and to facilitate student-led fun. If you are interested in investing in the future of FUSD by serving in our Youth program, please contact Leslie at or complete this form in Breeze to get the process started.
The following cherished individuals will be greatly missed:
- Jane Wasson, a beloved member of First Unitary passed away on November 28. Jane’s husband Ed, passed away in February this year. There will be a joint memorial for Jane and Ed on Saturday, January 25th at 1:00 pm here at First Unitarian of Denver.
- A First Unitarian member since 1989, Beverly Bridges, 94, beloved mother of Susan Robertson, passed away on November 17, 2024. Please hold Beverly’s family in your thoughts and prayers.
- George James, 81, a member of First Unitarian since 2015, died on November 19, 2024. Please hold George’s family and his wife Jayne James close in your hearts. Condolences can be sent to Jayne at 5530 E 17th Ave Parkway, Denver, CO 80220.
- November 22, 2024, saw the passing of our staff custodian and member Rich Stephen. Rich is survived by sons Andre Stephen from Colorado (along with Andre’s mother Barbara Stephen) and Benjamin Stephen from Germany; grandchildren Arthur, Tooma and Robin, and his cherished service dog, Heidi. Condolences can be sent to Andre Stephen, 2694 S Xanadu Way, Unit D, Aurora, CO 80014. There will be a service at a later date.
First Unitarian Events Coming Soon
Lunch Bunch Potluck – Friday, December 13 at 11:45 am
Everyone is invited to our monthly potluck, Lunch Bunch, on the second Friday of the month. This month we will be meeting on December 13th. We gather at First Unitarian Society of Denver around 11:45 a.m. to set up, and we generally ring the lunch bell at 12. If you don’t have more than an hour, just come at noon and join us. The food is always delicious, and the company is stimulating.
Difficult Holiday Conversations – hosted by the Middle East Justice Project
(Thanks to Daniel Martin for the post)
Holiday gatherings with family and friends can be challenging when discussing Palestine and other social justice issues. Join a facilitated conversation to talk through ideas for engaging lovingly and positively when the Middle East comes up in conversation over the holidays. Tuesday, Dec. 17, 6:30-8:30pm, in the upstairs chapel. All are welcome!
(Thanks to Julie Meyers for the post)
We meet in the Community Room at FUSD on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2:00-3:30. This month that will be Wednesday, December 18th.
The front door is often locked so ring the bell and/or knock loudly, and I’ll let you in. No RSVP needed – just show up! PS: I’m happy to teach folks how to knit. If you’d like to learn, email me to let me know you’re coming so I can bring some supplies to get you started.