Sunday Worship,
April 7th, 2024
at 10:30 am
Hannah Kinderlehrer and Lia Davis
Join us on Sunday, April 7th at 10:30 am. Join us for our 12th annual all-ages dance service, led by Hannah Kinderlehrer and Lia Davis. Together through movement, embodied prayer, and singing, we will explore our interdependence with one another and our larger community.
Giving in Action – American Friends Service Committee
The American Friends Service Committee brings together people of all faiths and backgrounds to challenge injustice and build peace around the globe. AFSC has been present in the Middle East since 1948 when the United Nations asked us to organize relief efforts for Palestinian refugees in Gaza. This built on our work to give relief to civilians living on all sides of the World Wars. Since then, our programs have provided agricultural development, kindergartens, midwife training, humanitarian aid, trauma healing, and intercommunal exchanges for over seven decades. Today, AFSC has offices and staff in Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank, and Jordan. They are currently providing humanitarian relief in Gaza and have been organizing in Palestine and in the US to call for a ceasefire end.
To Donate, select the button above, from the drop down on the screen, select ‘Donate to Giving in Action’, in the memo line type AFSC.
Whole SoUUlStudio – April 7th
(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)
In this time when our beloved Erin Kenworthy is leaving, 1st Unitarian has need of a conversation about Religious Exploration for children and family ministry in general. This month, Whole SoUUl Studio will be a discussion about the future of this essential ministry of the church. All are invited; 12:00 in the Sanctuary. Hope to see you there!
Have You Made Your 2024/25 Pledge TO FUSD Yet?
(Thanks to Steve Smithers for the post)
The Stewardship campaign for our Church’s next fiscal year kicked off about one month ago. To date we have received 127 pledges. This leaves approximately 40 pledges outstanding. To date $407,559 has been pledged and we are hoping to meet or exceed a total pledge goal of $575,000. If you have not turned your pledge in please take a moment to fill out your pledge either through the FUSD website or fill out a pledge form and return it to the church. The Finance Committee is busy putting together our budget for next year and they can’t complete their work until these pledges come in and we have a better picture of our revenues. Thank you for your financial support of OUR church!
April 7 is coming! AUCTION DONATIONS are DUE!
Yes, the deadline’s THIS Sunday! How the time flew!
Your donation is something that can sparkle you, too,
Or make others sparkle when they join in with you!
So bring your best thoughts of the fun you can have,
Something smart or delicious, or whatever’s a salve
To boost your own days or bring in some joy,
Or resolve a concern or a thing that annoys.
Go to this webpage: https://fusden.org/annual-auction/ and there it will be!
The Donation button, and Volunteer options that then you can see!
Once you click the Donation button, the AUCTION appears!
You can REGISTER, see the CATALOG and GET TICKETS, right there!
You MUST REGISTER now so when Auction Items appeal
You can ONLINE Bid for those items to win them for real!
ONLINE bidding will be for 10 days this year,
April 14-24 at noon, write it DOWN so it’s clear!
DONATE and REGISTER!!! That’s all for this week!
Just a few days left to donate, so ideas you must seek!
The Auction will enrich FUSD in multiple ways!
April 27, marks our special Event… our Auction DAY!
Sunday Morning Coffee Hour
(Thanks to Randle Loeb for the post)
We kindly request your assistance in restocking our church kitchen with supplies for our services. It would be greatly appreciated if you could contribute basic food items such as coffee, tea, creamer, half and half, or anything else you’d like to share with our guests and congregation members.
Additionally, we’re organizing a list for each Sunday to identify volunteers who would like to serve as hosts.
Thank you sincerely for your generous contributions. Your gifts are invaluable to our community.
(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)
Calling all mystics! Mystic experiences are infinitely varied, but involve some form of transcending the self, the ego, or the intellect in a first-hand experience of Unity, God, the divine, the Oversoul, the cosmos, or whatever word might seem to fit. At the present time, there seems to be a critical mass for a CORE Circle dedicated to mystics at FUSD. If that’s you, and you are interested in being with other FUSD mystics, please contact Rev. Mike at: Revmorran@gmail.com
Endowment Application Open!
(Thanks to Nellie Stagg for the post)
The endowment grant application is now open! Please consider projects and apply before Monday, April 15th. The goal of the endowment is to enhance the permanent facilities and capabilities of First Unitarian Society of Denver. Projects will be selected that are visible to the congregation, will impact the work of the church for more than one year, will further the mission of our congregation and cannot be funded through our normal operating budget. To receive the application or ask any questions, please email the committee at endowment@fusden.org.
Sally Isaacson
A Memorial for Sally Isaacson will be held at the First Unitarian Society of Denver on Saturday, April 20th, at 2:00 pm. Sally, passed away on Saturday, March 23rd, She was a cherished member of First Unitarian. Sally will be dearly missed.
If you would like to send your condolences, you can send them to Sally’s daughter, Amy Isaacson, at 3575 Sharp Rd, Glenwood, MD 21738.
First Unitarian Events Coming Soon
Jayme Stone’s Folklife: April 13th
(Thanks to Lia Davis for the post)
Join us for Capitol Hill Concerts’ next show, Jayme Stone’s Folklife, on Saturday April 13th at 7 pm. Jayme Stone (voice, banjo, guitar) will be joined by Enmanuel Alexander (bass, guitar), Greg Harris (synth, vibes, percussion), and Kevin Matthews (drums). This versatile gathering of musicians has cultivated vibrant Sea Island spirituals, Creole calypsos, and stomp-down Appalachian dance tunes for contemporary listeners. Their concerts are moving, inventive, and participatory experiences that prove folk songs are indeed perennials for the people. Tickets are now on sale. A portion of the proceeds from this concert will benefit Re:Vision. Their mission is to work with people in economically marginalized neighborhoods to develop resident leaders, cultivate community food systems, and create an economy owned by the community. Their purpose is to cultivate thriving, resilient communities, with a vision to create a world based on love, compassion, collaboration, and stewardship for the planet, our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of every person in our community. Support Re:Vision by donating cookies, fruits, or snacks (homemade or store-bought) which will be served at the concert intermission alongside donation baskets. All donations collected will benefit Re:Vision. If you would like to donate a refreshment, please sign up here.
Lunch Bunch – Friday, April 12th
(Thanks to Marty Dawley for the post)
Mary Kay and Marty would like to invite you and anyone you’d like to have come with you to Lunch Bunch on Friday, April 12th in the Community Room here at FUSD. Bring a potluck dish or just come. We will be delighted to see you. Come around 11:45. We’ll start eating at 12. This month only, join us for a walk at the Botanic Gardens afterwards. We can even get you in to the Gardens for free.
Can’t come this month? Mark your calendar for the second Friday of each month. You’ll be glad you did.
On The Path at 1st Unitarian – Spiritual Growth Class – Insight
(Thanks to Rev. Mike Morran for the post)
In this class of five sessions we will explore the ancient idea that every human soul is a tiny spark of the Oversoul, of the divine, of God. From that basic assumption, or Insight, we will explore the possibilities of intuition, self-examination, and self-knowledge as a doorway or entry-point to divinity and spiritual growth. Facilitated by Rev. Mike Morran, Insight will mix experience with study, reflection, and sharing. Classes will be held in-person at First Unitarian Denver, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., April 24th through May 15th. Open to all, but you must pre-register: Email Rev. Mike at: revmorran@gmail.com.
Join Climate Justice Committee for a Community Trash Pick-up on April 20th!
(Thanks to Taylor Chang for the post)
Join us for an Earth Month event with the Climate Justice Committee! We’re participating in a community trash pick-up at Sand Creek Regional Greenway, a 13-mile public trail in northeast Denver. The SCRG Partnership, a non-profit, works to protect and improve access to this area, particularly for historically marginalized communities.
We’re calling on FUSD volunteers to join us on April 20th from 11AM-1PM. The collected trash will be transformed into a public sculpture by the Greenway Guardians, a group of young stewards aged 10 to 17 from Commerce City. This initiative directly supports our mission of addressing climate change through a social justice lens.
All are welcome! For more information and to RSVP, please contact Taylor Chang or Noelle Botti. Let’s make a difference together!
Racial Justice Project – Spring Read and Discussion
(Thanks to Patrick Whorton for the post)
It’s not too late to join the discussion of the Racial Justice Project’s spring book read, Black on Black, written by Daniel Black, an author and professor of African American studies at Clark Atlanta University. This book, in fourteen short chapters, actually fourteen essays on different topics, offers a queer, intersectional perspective on racial justice issues. The third and final discussion, pages 159-end, will be on Wednesday, April 24, via zoom from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Participants must register to participate by emailing Patrick Whorton at pwhorton@gmail.com. I will then send you the zoom link and some discussion guidelines. As an added bonus the author, Dr. Daniel Black, will joining us for the last discussion.
Documentary: Fracking the System – Friday, May 3, 2024 at 7pm
Climate Justice Book Discussion
(Thanks to Taylor Chang for the post)
Please join Climate Justice Project in reading “The Water Knife” by Paolo Bacigalupi. The story is a dystopian thriller set in a future southwestern United States ravaged by water scarcity and revolves around Angel Velasquez, a water mercenary navigating a treacherous landscape of political intrigue and violence in a desperate quest for control over the region’s dwindling water supply.
Discussions will be facilitated by Peggy Ulrich-Nims on Wednesday, May 15th at 7p.m. via Zoom and again Sunday, May 19th in the library after service. Please contact Peggy at ulrichnims@gmail.com for the Zoom Meeting ID.
Engaging, Resourceful; East High School Senior Needs Room to Rent
(Thanks to Mary Hilken for the post)
Nathan is an immigrant from Haiti, an A student who speaks French and English. He plans to attend MSU in the fall. He needs a room until the end of the school year, June 5. He is happy to help with household chores or childcare.
SAME (So All May Eat) Cafe
(Thanks to Sean Stevenson for the post)
Since January, SAME Cafe, a participation and donation based restaurant has extended its reach to the community of new arrivals living at hotel shelters around the Denver area. The New Neighbor Meal Program has successfully shared over 5,000 culturally familiar meals with folks who have made the journey from Latin America to Denver. The café is always eager to welcome new volunteers, donations of produce, and monetary contributions as we continue to grow! For volunteering, please visit our website: https://www.samecafedenver.org/volunteer. To make a food or monetary donation, please visit: https://www.samecafedenver.org/donate. Come visit us at the café, 2023 E Colfax Ave., Denver, to learn more about our mission, try our incredible food, and join in our flourishing community!
This announcement is to create awareness regarding the efforts of SAME Cafe to feed the migrants living among us. This announcement was written by Maria Dettman, a SAME Cafe staff member spearheading
Welcoming the Stranger: A Brown Bag Discussion
(Thanks to Karen Ray for the post)
How are we welcoming to immigrants in Denver and Colorado?
How did we get here?
What more can we, as communities of care and faith, do to help?
Roxanna, a single mother of three from Peru, who is living the experience;
Claudia Villa, an immigration lawyer; and
Jennifer Piper, American Friends Committee
WHEN: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
11:00am to 1:00pm*
First Baptist Church of Denver
1373 Grant St, Denver, CO 80203
(some parking available on the premises)
*BYOL – bring your own lunch, we’ll provide sweets and drinks
RSVP by April 8
Diana Flahive, dianaflahive@chumdenver.org or 303-257-8588
Presented by CHUM WHI
(Thanks to Julie Meyers for the post)
Guns to Gardens is a group of faith communities working to reduce gun violence in the Denver Metro area by dismantling guns and forging the parts into life-giving tools. On Saturday, April 13, Most Precious Blood will be hosting a gun surrender event in their parking lot. Gun owners bring their unwanted, unloaded firearms and turn them in. The guns are dismantled and forged into garden tools. Come join me in volunteering for this event. Happy to carpool. For more details and to register: https://www.givepulse.com/event/440952
Social Justice Film Series Presents – “The Monk and the Gun”
(Thanks to Holly Fulton from First Universalist for the post)
Social Justice Film Series presents “The Monk and the Gun”, Friday, April 5th, 2024
First Plymouth Congregational Church, Room 212
3501 S. Colorado Blvd. Englewood, CO
Snacks and visit at 6:30, film beings at 7 pm
This film captures the wonder and disruption as Bhutan becomes one of the world’s youngest democracies. Known throughout the world for its extraordinary beauty and its emphasis on Gross National Happiness, the remote Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan was the last nation to connect to the internet and television. And if that weren’t enough change, the King announced shortly afterwards that he would cede his power to the people via their vote and a new form of government: Democracy. An elderly lama, recognizing that extraordinary change is about to sweep through his country, is troubled by the possible outcomes. He instructs his young disciple Tashi to set forth into the kingdom and bring him two guns before the full moon to “set it right.” The young monk is perplexed by his guru’s request, and his familiarity with guns is based solely on images from the only film available on television: James Bond. His quest brings him into contact with a scheming American gun collector Ron (Harry Einhorn), leading to a most unexpected outcome.
Watch the trailer for The Monk and the Gun here.
The Social Justice film series is co-partnered by First Plymouth and our neighbors, First Universalist Church.
The Larger Unitarian Universalist Community
Pacific Western Regional Assembly – April 19th and 20th – Volunteers Needed!
(Thanks to Jo Hehnke from First Universalist for the post)
This year’s Pacific Western Regional conference (https://www.uua.org/pacific-western/calendar/pwr-uua/pwr-threads-connect-stories-inspire) is being held at First Universalist Church of Denver, April 19 (starting at 6 pm) and 20th (ending at 5 pm). I am part of a team recruiting volunteers for the event. The theme this year is “Connections”. In that spirit, we are hoping to connect with members from area churches through the various volunteer tasks entailed. Volunteers are mostly needed for the Friday night reception and Saturday morning continental breakfast—contributing food, setting up and cleaning up afterward.
We need your help in recruiting volunteers from your congregation. Could you please provide one or more names of individuals who might be interested in coordinating volunteers from your congregation?
Please contact Jo Hehnke at Jo@josephinehehnke.net if you would like to volunteer.
Registration Open for Pacific Western Regional Assembly – April 19th and 20th
It’s time to get together!
Registration is open for our Pacific Western Regional Assembly this April 19th and 20th!
People can attend either in person, at First Universalist in Denver, or remotely. We are planning a family friendly event and children are welcome. This is a great chance to connect with our larger faith and connect with new and old friends.
Stay up to date on all the PWR RA Plans here.
2024 General Assembly Registration is Now Open!
Represent us at the UUA General Assembly! The Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) national meeting of UU congregations is an all-virtual event this year. You can participate from the comfort of your own couch from June 20-23, 2024.
As a member congregation of the UUA, First Unitarian Society of Denver (FUSD) sends “delegates” to this event, which includes worship, workshops, lectures and the annual UUA business meeting. FUSD delegates will participate in the business meeting and vote on items that impact all member congregations. If you are interested in serving as an FUSD delegate at the 2024 General Assembly, please reach out to Coral Cosway at President@fusden.org.
Adult registration is $280 and includes access to the live sessions, on-demand programming, featured speakers and major worships. There is also an option to register for only the annual business meeting portion of the event for free (or a donation amount of your choice). You can review the program and schedule and visit the UUA’s General Assembly webpage for more information.
Pacific Western Region – April Newsletter
The Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalists, publish a newsletter every one to two months. This newsletter will keep you up to date on all things UU that are happening in our region.
Click here to view the April newsletter.
Additionally, you can visit the Unitarian Universalist Association web site at https://www.uua.org/ for information at the association level.
Side with Love is a public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. It is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and all are welcome to join. Subscribe to get updates.
After closing out this year’s 30 Days of Love, Side With Love is looking forward to exciting opportunities for faith-filled action this spring. Starting March 6, we have a range of offerings that we hope will ground you and help sustain your commitment to liberation, democracy, and justice. Please join us and share with your congregation! The link for the March newsletter is here.
If you haven’t already heard, we’re getting ready to activate every corner of our faith for UU the Vote 2024. This year, we will mobilize our friends, our neighbors, and our fellow UUs to generate a groundswell of democratic action and leadership towards a thriving future beyond November 5. If you aren’t already subscribed to our UU the Vote newsletters, you can sign up for updates here.
First Unitarian Information
First Unitarian – Calendaring and Room Reservations
(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)
To Request an event addition to the First Unitarian calendar and to request a room reservation:
- To add a meeting or event to the Church Calendar and reserve a room:
- Check the church calendar on the website to see if there are any conflicts. There is a link on each page of the website in the black area at the bottom, under ‘Useful links’
- Complete the following form to request that your event be added to the calendar and to request a room reservation. https://firstunitariandenver.breezechms.com/form/45698258
Click here to access the First Unitarian Committee Handbook.
Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!
First Unitarian – Communication Methods How To’s
(Thanks to Rhonda Williamson, Congregational Administrator, for the post)
First Announce: A weekly church newsletter sent out by blast email Thursday evenings. (Also found on the website.) Deadline for entries is Tuesday end of day.
Order of Service: The handout given at each Sunday service – giving service details, and upcoming church events Request deadline is Thursday at 8:00 am.
Please complete the form at the link below to submit announcements for either or both First Announce and Order of Service – select both options on the form. https://firstunitariandenver.breezechms.com/form/e50206
Click here to access the First Unitarian Committee Handbook.
Feel free to dive in and let us know if you have any questions or thoughts!
Finding a place to park when you come to visit our urban sanctuary can be a bit of a challenge! We recommend the following tactics/locations:
- Sundays 6a-1p: 3 blocks of the north side of 14th Avenue (Marion St. to just before Franklin St. – please abide by the street parking signs)
- Sundays 6a-1p: The Center at Colfax and Lafayette
- Sundays 6a-1p: (42 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
- Monday through Friday, 6 pm to 8 am: (22 parking spaces) The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
- Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am (22 parking spaces, except Sunday morning, see above. The Alta Court lot, across Lafayette from the church. Cars with a First Unitarian Church (FUSD) hangtag or paper parking pass on the dashboard, may park in the spaces farthest away from Colfax.
- If you have any questions or need a parking pass, contact Rhonda at office@fusden.org. Parking passes can also be obtained from the Greeters on Sunday morning.