The Whole Souul Living Theme for October is Courage
Sunday Worship –
October 30th 10:00 am
Day of Remembrance Service
Multi-generational Service
Sunday October 30th, is the multigenerational Day of Remembrance service. You are invited to bring photos and items to add to our altars, built to honor those loved ones who have passed this year. In the spirit of celebrating lives well lived, we encourage the expression of mirth that accompanies wearing Halloween costumes..
We have coffee hour after the service and would love for you to bring snacks (healthy and otherwise) to go with our coffee!
Multiplatform Worship at First Unitarian Denver
Join us on Sunday at 10:00 am, in person or online. At this time, masks are optional but highly encouraged for those who might have been exposed, might be at higher risk for severe illness, or have weakened immune systems. Our service streams to Youtube and Zoom (meeting ID is 466-677-668 and the password is 454623).
Join us for virtual coffee hour on Zoom after the service. The meeting ID is 912-1732-1324. Come see familiar faces and meet new people
George Mitchell’s Memorial
(thanks to Kathy Mitchell-Garton for the post)
Our dear and faithful George Mitchell passed away on September 12. Please join the Mitchell family in a celebration of George’s life on October 29, 2022, at 2:00 pm at First Unitarian. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to Golden Rotary or the charity of your choice. George’s full obituary is here.
FUSD Black Reparations Fund
(thanks to Patrick Whorton and the FUSD Racial Justice Project)
In our ongoing black reparations effort, the President of the Denver Black Reparations Council, Arthur McFarlane II, great-grandson of W.E.B. DuBois, will be our featured speaker at the regular Sunday service on November 6th. A question and answer session with McFarlane will be offered after the service.
Please visit our table during coffee hour after Sunday’s service if you have questions.
FUSD Reproductive Justice Project Meeting – Monday, November 7th
(thanks to Kimberly Urish for the post)
The next meeting of our Reproductive Justice Project will be on Monday, November 7th at 7:30 pm. We will update the group on subcommittee activities and have time for committees to connect. Please RSVP to reproductivejustice@fusden.org.
Lunch Bunch Returns – Friday, November 11th
(thanks to Marty Dawley for the post)
Everyone is invited for the return of our monthly potluck, Lunch Bunch, on a new day, the second Friday of the month. Our first get together will be on November 11th, and we’ll meet again on December 9th in the FUSD Community Room. We gather around 11:00 am to set up, and we generally ring the lunch bell at noon. If you don’t have more than an hour, just come at noon and join us. The food is always delicious, and the company is stimulating.
The Case of the Missing Dish Towels
Everyone loves a good mystery, and here’s one right at First Unitarian. We have hardly a single dishcloth/towel left in our kitchen. If you have extra dish towels and/or dish cloths or would like to donate new ones, please drop them off in the kitchen at FUSD. It’s hard to clean up or to spiff up our receptions without these supplies. Please, contact Cindy Robertson or Marty Dawley if you have questions.
(thanks to Erin Kenworthy, DRE for the post)
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is sexuality education that fosters informed, responsible, and values-based decisions about sexual health and behavior.
First Unitarian is preparing to offer classes in January as part of our RE program and in line with our congregational Reproductive Justice Project initiative supporting education.
If you are interested in facilitating OWL, please connect with Erin, as she is beginning to assemble teaching teams for a K/1+ family class, a 5th/6th grade class, and a comprehensive middle school class. Orientations and classes will begin in January of 2023.
All facilitators will need to attend a weekend long training workshop before leading classes. There is a training workshop for middle and high school class facilitators coming up November 11 and 12 at First Universalist. Registration is currently open on a first-come, first-served basis. If and when facilitation teams are in place, families will be able to register their children and youth for participation. Thank you for your enthusiasm, support, and your patience as we return to providing this life-changing experience.
Family Promise – Warming Ways for Winter 2022
(thanks to Hillary Barrett Osborne for the post)
Family Promise is holding their annual fundraiser ‘Warming Ways for Winter” on Thursday, November 10th, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm. This event will be held at Temple Emanuel, 51 Grape St, Denver, CO 80220, cocktail attire. There will be a live and virtual auction, family stories, seated curated dinner menu, and networking with other advocates.
To purchase tickets or a table, please click here.
Artists’ Giftshop – November 12th and November 13th
(thanks to Marty Dawley for the post)
Grab a friend and join Helen Wolcott and nine fellow artists at Helen’s home at 2309 Clermont on Saturday and Sunday, November 12th and 13th from 10-5 each day. This is the mellowest, homiest place to gift shop that I can imagine with a cup of mulled wine to warm you as you walk through and take a look. Get your holiday shopping done early at this Holiday Show and Sale. Meet the creators and enjoy an array of salsa, jam, pottery, fabric and paper art, paintings and cards, weaving, knitting, quilted creations, soap, candles, tie dye, fused glass, and Helen’s own gorgeous jewelry.
If you haven’t ever met Helen, that’s reason enough to go! If you know her, then you know this is a must event to put on your calendar.
The Unitarian-Universalist Association has more than 1,000 member churches and fellowships? You can find UU congregations in Fairbanks, Alaska, in Key West, Florida, in Caribou, Maine and Chula Vista, California and pretty much anywhere in between. In addition, there are fellowships in several foreign countries operating in both English and the native language. You can find a handy search engine at www.uua.org. Next time you are away from FUSD on a Sunday, think about dropping into a new UUA congregation. They are all different and please let us know if you find something we should consider adopting!
Rev. Mike Morran – Last Sunday’s Workshop
Last Sunday after the service, Rev. Mike led a short workshop, Repelling Fewer People, about welcoming all the visitors who have been coming to church.
If you missed the workshop you can view the handouts here.
Nonpartisan Election Call Center
(thanks to Julie Meyers for the post)
I’ve been involved in the Election Call Center for the last few election cycles. It’s very well organized and a great way to help voters in a nonpartisan way. See below for more info. Let’s help our democracy!
Every two years, the Colorado Lawyers Committee co-sponsors a Nonpartisan Election Call Center where volunteers answer phone calls from Colorado voters on the national 866-OUR-VOTE hotline by providing voter information, documenting problems callers encounter when voting, and working with partners and volunteers on the ground to identify and remove barriers to voting. Typical questions include, “Has my ballot been received?,” “Where do I register?” and “Where can I drop off my ballot?”
The 2022 Call Center will take place in person on Monday, November 7th and Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th at the Polsinelli law firm, 1401 Lawrence Street, Suite 2300. Instead of answering calls on the phone, volunteers will answer them by computer. Therefore, we are asking all volunteers to bring a laptop with audio capabilities, and headphones with a microphone. Every volunteer will be required to attend a 2-hour training via Zoom (training times are included in the sign-up form).
If you would like to join us on Monday, November 7th and/or Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, please complete the online sign-up form.
The Call Center is sponsored by Just Vote! Colorado Election Protection, a nonpartisan voter assistance project and is not affiliated with or promoting any party, candidate, or ballot issue. Just Vote is a coalition of several organizations: the Colorado Lawyers Committee, Colorado Common Cause, Mi Familia Vota, Disability Law Colorado, and the League of Women Voters of Colorado.
Distance Walk at Swallow Hill on November 26
(thanks to Barry Osborne for the post)
FUSD members Seth Fine and Barry Osborne play in Denver folk quartet Distance Walk. Their sound is a mix of old-time folk, indie, Celtic, and baroque, and they have a concert at Swallow Hill Music on Saturday, November 26 at 8:00 pm. With Seth on guitar and Barry on banjo and vocals, they are joined by multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Niki Tredinnick, and Olivia Shaw on fiddle. If you’re in town over the holiday weekend it’s a perfect reason to get out of the house! Also on the bill is Denver’s Fables of The Fall. Get tickets by clicking here or at swallowhillmusic.org, or get details by emailing Barry at barry.osborne@gmail.com
Family Ministry – October 2022 Newsletter
Please click here to view the FUSD Family Ministry Monthly Newsletter.
Rev. Mike Morran – First Video Blog!
Please click here to view a short video message (three minutes) from Rev. Mike Morran. The purpose of this weekly message is to share what is going on at First Unitarian, spiritually and in the world.
(thanks to Diane Hoffman for the post)
We need two videographers who can commit to working an average of one Sunday per month. No prior experience is needed; we will train you. Training is one session for about two hours, with the trainee running the video the following Sunday with supervision. If you are interested, please stop by the sound booth after Sunday service or email Diane Hoffman at m7gfd3r8@gmail.com
FUSD Building Custodian- Job Opening
FUSD is searching for a Building Custodian. Click here to view the job description.
If you are interested, please send a cover letter and your resume to Rhonda Williamson at office@fusden.org.