FUSDENWhy Sanctuary at FUSDEN?​

​Why should we, as a church community,
consider this opportunity for sanctuary?

• We will live our faith by practicing love, compassion, and community.
• We will move beyond “us/them” and live into “there is a unity that makes
us one.”
• We will grow and deepen our relationships beyond the walls of our
congregation, becoming a true urban sanctuary.
• We will be connected to a spiritual legacy of risk and courage in the
face of injustice, and inspire others to do the same.
•We will engage our resources, our energy, and ourSELVES in the service
of being the change we wish to see in the world.

Why sanctuary at FUSD?

​We are a welcoming congregation.
We are a strong community, grounded in covenant, and ready to work
together to answer the call to justice.
We have a dedicated immigration justice project.
We are a trusted partner to community groups and other communities
of faith.

We have a historic commitment to social engagement in Denver,
Colorado, and beyond.
We have experience hosting overnight guests and families.
We are centrally located and accessible by public transit.
We are blessed with the space and facilities needed to host.