​Homelessness & Hunger​

We are implementing our plans as a faith community to decrease homelessness and food insecurity.
Here are some of our activities and programs:

Homeless Initiative News

Homelessness and Hunger

​Family Promise

Working together with the non-profit Family Promise www.familypromiseofgreaterdenver.org and other area congregations, our FUSD community provides church-based shelter, food, transportation, and hospitality for families who are experiencing homelessness on their way to self-sufficiency. We host families for a one-week period four times each year. Volunteer opportunities include: Making a main dish, side dish, or dessert, then joining the families and other volunteers for an evening meal; driving families to or from the Family Promise day site in the morning or late afternoon; transforming RE classrooms into cozy bedrooms so each family has its own private space. We also need help in between our hosting weeks: wash blankets, sew a curtain, setup and maintain volunteer information, help plan and coordinate activities. Whatever you enjoy doing, however you shine, we have a place for you!

Women's Homelessness Initiative

First Unitarian Society of Denver is part of a consortium of churches offering overnight sanctuary every night of the week for 20-25 women who are homeless. FUSD plays host every other Friday night. Volunteers are needed to assist with set up/clean up, dinner preparation and community building, and overnight hosting. Interested in helping out?

Metro Caring

MetroCaring is a local nonprofit organization that provides services to low income and homeless individuals, including food, nutrition and healthy living education, utility and transportation assistance, employment readiness programs, and identification documents. FUSD contributes non-perishable food items and toiletry items on a regular basis, and has also contributed financial support through Giving in Action.