FUSDEN New Sanctuary Initiative

Introduction & FAQ: The New Sanctuary
Initiative @ First Unitarian Denve

Posted Date: Sep 28, 2014- 2:59pm | Author: ScottGuth

Our community partners working for immigrant justice have asked FUSD to consider becoming a host congregation in the New Sanctuary Movement. To become a sanctuary congregation, we would continue to educate ourselves and our community about immigration issues; commit ourselves to public advocacy for humane immigration reform that does not tear families apart; and possibly, at times, invite an immigrant who is facing detention or deportation to seek sanctuary (residence) in our church building for a period of time (usually 3-9 months).

What Is The “New Sanctuary Movement”?

Was There An “Old” Sanctuary Movement?

If We Did Host An Immigrant Seeking Sanctuary, What Would S/he Be Like?

If We Did Host A Sanctuary-Seeker, How Long Would S/he Reside In The Church?

Where Would A Sanctuary-Seeker Live In The Church?

Would Hosting a Sanctuary-Seeker Interfere With Our Other Church Events?

Would Hosting a Sanctuary-Seeker Interfere With Family Promise or the Women’s Homelessness Initiative?

Would We Be Doing this Alone?

What Does Our Denomination Say About The New Sanctuary Movement?

What Does “Providing Sanctuary” Mean?

What Does A Host Congregation Do?

Who Is Involved In The New Sanctuary Initiative @ FUSD?

How Can I Get Involved @ FUSD?

What If I Have Additional Questions?